
A houseboat vacation with groov RIO

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 10, 2022 8:18:31 AM

Come along on a houseboat trip to Lake Powell to see what's possible when you bring a groov RIO and SpaceX Starlink on vacation.

Opto 22's VP of Product Strategy, Benson Hougland, has often described Lake Powell (which stretches from southern Utah to northern Arizona) as one of his favorite vacation destinations. A houseboat vacation has become a family tradition that always took him "off the grid" for a week. This year was a different story.

With a groov RIO edge I/O module outfitted with some temperature sensors, and the convenience of a Space X Starlink satellite internet system on board, this year's trip made for some memorable moments in remote automation.

Watch this short video to see how Benson used groov RIO to: 

  • Record the ambient temperature as well as the houseboat's ice freezer temperature
  • Publish temperature data to a HiveMQ Cloud broker
  • Log into the Inductive Automation Ignition server and see tags appear in the Cirrus Link Solutions MQTT Engine (which made the RIO tags available via OPC UA)

During the trip, a mobile-responsive page was also set up on demo.groov.com so anyone could see the current temps on the groov View dashboard. A lot of cool technology happening on this vacation!

This trip is over, but there are always fun applications to check out on our groov demo site. See for yourself!

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Topics: MQTT, Ignition, groov RIO, Cirrus Link Solutions, HiveMQ

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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