
Industrial edge architecture and cybersecurity insights

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 30, 2024 12:13:21 PM

Opto 22's Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, explains the features and importance of modern edge devices in this new Control Engineering article.

The industrial automation industry is now being driven by the idea of digital transformation and the industrial internet of things (IIoT). Understanding the concepts of edge and cloud technology and how they relate is becoming a necessity.

Opto 22's Dan White does an excellent job of explaining these terms and what it means for you and your future designs and applications. He shares his insights on edge devices, data management and cybersecurity in this newly published article from Control Engineering, "Edge to cloud: Understanding new industrial architectures."

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Topics: MQTT, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, edge computing, control engineering, cloud computing

StrataVu brings an EPIC solution to oil and gas projects

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 13, 2023 10:56:35 AM

New Opto 22 technology partner Strata Innovative Solutions announces StrataVu: software that empowers programmers of all levels.

Looking for an affordable way to manage and automate your well pads?

Opto 22 is excited to announce we've partnered with another leader in digital transformation and the oil and gas industry: Strata Innovative Solutions.

The Strata engineering teams bring a deep understanding of the process, agile engineering, and systems integration that speeds efficiencies and reduces costs. Strata’s advanced capabilities offer customers unique advantages with edge-to-cloud solutions that transform data into actionable information and deliver it at scale to the people who need it—anytime and anywhere—while keeping cybersecurity at the forefront.

Which is why their latest software offering, StrataVu, fits perfectly with the out-of-the-box cybersecure, industrial edge controller groov EPIC.

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Topics: Oil & gas, IIoT, groov EPIC, edge computing, digital transformation, Technology Partners

MAC Automation is ready for your projects

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 7, 2023 6:30:00 AM

Welcome MAC Engineering & Automation as an IoT Certified OptoPartner.

Looking to get started with an Internet of Things (IoT) project or application? MAC Engineering & Automation can help. They just received IoT certification from Opto 22 engineers based on their success in applications using groov EPIC and RIO.

Opto 22's Southeast Regional Manager, Dan White, recently worked with the team from MAC and shared:

"MAC Automation's expertise in designing and implementing complex industrial automation solutions makes them a perfect fit as an OptoPartner. With a deep knowledge of control systems, robotics, and process optimization, MAC Automation can collaborate with Opto 22 to deliver more innovative solutions."

Hear from MAC Automation on how they can help you with your next project.

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Topics: IIoT, groov EPIC, OptoPartner, edge computing, groov RIO, SCADA

How to Enable Operational Resilience: New Webinar

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 22, 2023 8:32:49 AM

Can you maintain your business in the face of supply chain challenges and ransomware attacks? Join us for a resilience webinar.

You know it’s critical for manufacturers to be able to maintain business continuity in the face of operational challenges like these. When working with today's cloud and edge computing technologies, operational resilience is vital.

Join us as Opto 22’s Rene Gamero and tech partner 4IR Solutions CTO Joe Dolivo discuss this important topic in a new webinar presentation live streaming on March 30.

In this joint webinar, Joe and Rene will discuss common obstacles to achieving operational resilience and provide a live solution demo featuring FactoryStack and groov EPIC that demonstrates overcoming security, connectivity, and reliability challenges.

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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, OptoPartner, edge computing, cloud computing

Join Sincrón and Opto 22 for Industry 4.0 event

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 1, 2023 9:19:30 AM

Learn about the challenges and opportunities of Industry 4.0 in this upcoming seminar in Colombia with Opto 22 partner and distributor Sincrón Diseño Electronico.

Now you can attend in person or livestream an educational event exploring the challenges and opportunities for today's businesses faced with digital transformation and implementing new IIoT technologies.

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Topics: Events & conferences, IIoT, edge computing

IIoT Megatrends for 2023

Posted by Janice Colmer on Feb 7, 2023 2:20:17 PM

Learn about the tools and technology trends industry experts expect to shape IIoT this year in the Industrial Ethernet Book.

Have you downloaded your copy of the January/February issue of Industrial Ethernet Book yet? IEB kicks off each year with a Special Report, and this year's report focuses on what will be changing in the world of IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things).

Opto 22 engineer and Director of Business Development, Arun Sinha, was asked to provide his insight on the changes he anticipates for the IIoT and the industrial controls/automation industry.

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Topics: IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, edge computing, Industrial Ethernet Book

Control Engineering article highlights 3 IIoT case studies

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 10, 2023 1:16:01 PM

See how system integrators in water/wastewater, natural gas production, and manufacturing leveraged MQTT and industrial edge devices to securely access and use key data.

If your goal is to get useful data from field devices and legacy systems, you’ve probably found that putting together an IIoT system is complicated, requiring many OT and IT devices, software, and protocols.

But these 3 real-world case studies show how two tools—the MQTT communications protocol and industrial edge devices—can simplify your IIoT project. 

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Topics: IIoT, MQTT, cybersecurity, MQTT implementation, edge computing, control engineering

The Atlas Podcast talks tech trends

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 3, 2023 1:13:44 PM

Hear from Opto 22's Arun Sinha in the latest technology discussion on the Atlas Podcast.

What technologies are emerging in automation, and how can they help you with your projects? The Atlas Podcast focuses on answering these questions for the new year and beyond. 

The Atlas Podcast explores technology topics with hosts Martin Kelman and Alex Matheson. Released weekly, each episode interviews a special guest with expert insight into key areas of technology and industry.

Their latest episode features Opto 22's Director of Business Development, Arun Sinha, who shares his insights on the future of technology in our industry.

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Topics: IIoT, data visualization, podcast, edge computing, OT data

Connecting PLCs to the Internet to Drive Sustainability

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 12, 2022 12:05:31 PM

Join us for another episode of an IntegrateLive! virtual workshop showcasing Linux-based PLCs.

Have you attended any virtual workshops hosted by the IntegrateLive! community? The IL platform started earlier this year as a collaboration that aligns integrators, vendors, and end users. Each episode brings together "changemakers in automation" who show how open source technologies work well together.

The result? An integrated solution ecosystem that you can use to solve everyday industrial problems.

Opto 22 is once again participating in this month's live demo to show the capabilities of edge controllers like groov EPIC. We'll be joined by Phoenix Contact in this 8th episode of IntegrateLive, happening October 26th at 8:00 am PDT (11:00 am EDT). Register to attend.

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Topics: Node-RED, groov EPIC, edge computing, webinar, IntegrateLive!

groov EPIC and RIO for the win

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 27, 2022 1:37:41 PM

Opto 22 receives the 2022 Frost & Sullivan Enabling Technology Leadership Award

We're honored to share the exciting news that the edge technology included in groov EPIC controllers and groov RIO edge I/O modules has earned Opto 22 a special recognition! Based on its recent analysis of the industrial internet of things (IIoT) industry, Frost & Sullivan announced Opto 22 as the 2022 Global Enabling Technology Leader.

For over 60 years, Frost & Sullivan has been world-renowned for its detailed market analysis to help investors, corporations, and governments navigate economic changes and identify new technologies, trends, and growth opportunities.

Each year, Frost & Sullivan presents the Enabling Technology award to a company that develops pioneering technology and has demonstrated a high market acceptance for these new edge solutions. Thanks to the support of technology partners like Cirrus Link Solutions, Inductive Automation, CODESYS, and HiveMQ, the groov EPIC and RIO product lines have achieved this industry status.

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Topics: Awards and recognition, IIoT, groov EPIC, edge computing, groov RIO

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