Say you own a 30-year-old enterprise data center in the Arizona desert, and you're starting to have some problems:
- Aging HVAC and mechanical systems are increasingly inefficient in the hot climate.
- Security systems are no longer adequate.
Say you own a 30-year-old enterprise data center in the Arizona desert, and you're starting to have some problems:
Topics: Energy management, Case studies, optonews, PACs, Integrators, I/O, Building management, Security, OptoNews 2016-05-25
Look around and think about the useful data currently hiding in your legacy systems and equipment.
How could that data help your company?
Maybe it's process data from manufacturing lines, performance data from machinery, or status data from remote installations.
Topics: Videos, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, OptoNews 2016-05-25
If you're near Cambridge, Ontario, on June 7, be sure to join Opto 22's Lloyd Romeo at the SORT Technology Showcase, sponsored by SORT Production Products Ltd.
Topics: Process control, groov, optonews, PACs, Events & conferences, I/O, PAC Project, OptoNews 2016-05-25
We've been manufacturing solid state relays (SSRs) for more than 40 years now.
In fact, that's how Opto 22 started: our founders discovered a better way to build SSRs.
So of course we want you to use SSRs. (And choose Opto's guaranteed-for-life models!)
Topics: optonews, SSRs, OptoNews 2016-05-25
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