
Update to groov RIO 3.6

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jun 26, 2024 8:07:00 AM

Get Enterprise WiFi and several other updates in the latest free firmware download of groov RIO.

If you have been getting some friction from your IT department about connecting any of the groov RIO family to your corporate WiFi network, this firmware update is for you!

Just like the groov EPIC firmware update 3 weeks ago, we have added WPA-2 Enterprise WiFi connectivity to the groov RIO MM1, MM2 and EMU (Energy Monitoring Unit).

This enterprise WiFi configuration complements the existing LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) authentication options, which have been part of the RIO for a long time.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, groov RIO, groov rio emu

What's new in Node-RED v3.1.7

Posted by Terry Orchard on May 24, 2024 4:23:43 PM

Learn about some of the changes and benefits of Node-RED 3.1.7 included with the recent groov EPIC 3.6 firmware release.

Node-RED 3.1.7 has many useful new features and quality-of-life improvements—mainly to the editor itself. A great example is that the flow tabs at the top of the editor now indicate when they contain a change that has not been deployed. This simple addition clarifies what will be restarted when you choose among deploying modified nodes, modified flows, or a full deploy.

Let's talk about what other welcome additions you'll find in Node-RED in the latest 3.6 firmware release of groov EPIC.

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Topics: Updates, Node-RED, groov EPIC

groov RIO firmware 3.5 adds control to remote I/O

Posted by Ben Orchard on Aug 23, 2023 9:00:00 AM

The latest groov RIO 3.5 firmware update offers a CODESYS programming option along with enhancements for performance and security.

groov RIO firmware 3.5 is here! And the big news is the CODESYS runtime engine has been added. That means now you can run a control program on groov RIO—one you build in CODESYS using any of the IEC 61131-3 compliant languages.

The engineers have kept their fingers on the keyboard here at Opto HQ and are beyond excited about the release of version 3.5 firmware for the groov RIO family. We can't wait to see what applications our awesome customers come up with, now that the CODESYS runtime engine has been added to the complete groov RIO Trio.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, CODESYS, Sparkplug, groov RIO

groov EPIC firmware 3.5 is here

Posted by Ben Orchard on Aug 2, 2023 10:30:27 AM

Get Sparkplug 3.0 compliance, updated Node-RED, and new options for your groov EPIC controller.

The engineers at Opto 22 have been busy working around chip shortages and supply chain delays, yet even with those additional efforts, we're announcing the release of a new groov EPIC firmware update, version 3.5.

If I had to sum things up, I’d say a lot of really nice quality-of-life improvements and solid bug fixes were the key takeaways here.

Let's take a high-level look at some of the new features in this release.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, groov EPIC

What's new in Node-RED v3.0

Posted by Terry Orchard on Aug 2, 2023 10:29:21 AM

With the latest groov 3.5 firmware update comes another new version of Node-RED, its 3.0 milestone release.

Get ready to see what's new in Node-RED when you update to groov EPIC 3.5. This new version includes all the additions of the 3.0.2 software, the most recently available at the time of writing, and node v14.20.0 and npm 6.14.17 package updates as well. Let's take a look.

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Topics: Updates, Node-RED, groov EPIC

CODESYS Library Package gets new OptoMMP features

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 19, 2022 12:24:26 PM

Version 3.0.0 of the Opto 22 Library Package for the CODESYS Development System is now available.

For all of you taking advantage of the CODESYS programming environment available for groov EPIC, you'll want to hear about this week's version 3.0.0 release of the Opto 22 CODESYS library package. With CODESYS, you can program groov EPIC for industrial control and monitoring using any familiar IEC 61131-3 compliant language.

Version 3.0.0 brings you a new collection of OptoMMP client function blocks you can use to access any area of an Opto 22 device's memory map.

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Topics: Updates, CODESYS, groov EPIC

groov RIO 3.4.1 ready for download

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 29, 2022 7:30:00 AM

A quick fix update was just released for groov RIO, version 3.4.1.

As an OptoBlog subscriber, you're always the first to hear about product news or firmware updates. This time we have another recent release for groov RIO to tell you about.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, groov RIO

Quick recap: groov EPIC 3.4.3 firmware update

Posted by Ben Orchard on Aug 16, 2022 12:37:43 PM

Review some important bug fixes included in the latest groov EPIC firmware update 3.4.3.

Everyone here at Opto 22 knows that updating any controller's firmware is not a trivial task, and when in a production environment, it’s not something that can be done at the drop of a hat.

That said, sometimes we fix some bugs that require a minor point firmware update and the latest 3.4.3 release is just such a case. If you are using groov View or the new Data Services feature, then you should look closely at this release as you determine where updating your controller(s) should be prioritized in your jam-packed schedule.

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Topics: Updates, Firmware, groov View, groov EPIC, OPC UA

Time to update: groov RIO 3.4 with OPC UA server

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 13, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Following the recent groov EPIC 3.4 firmware update, groov RIO offers similar updates in its 3.4 release.

Here are some exciting additions in the latest groov RIO 3.4 package. All these new features are available in all groov RIO models: MM1, MM2 and RIO EMU.

The biggest news is the embedded OPC UA server. This is a first of its kind: a fully functioning OPC UA server option for a remote, Ethernet-based input/output module.

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Topics: Updates, MQTT, groov RIO, OPC UA, groov rio emu, Version 3.4 update

Node-RED Updates in groov EPIC 3.4

Posted by Terry Orchard on Jun 23, 2022 8:00:00 AM

See what's new in the latest version of Node-RED included in groov EPIC 3.4 firmware.

With every groov firmware update we also include updates to the software our devices run, whether that’s groov View, Ignition, or Node-RED. The recent groov EPIC 3.4.0 update is no different! In this post, I’ll briefly go over some of the biggest updates to Node-RED, which has been bumped to v2.2.2. If you want to know more about the 3.4.0 groov EPIC firmware, check out Ben’s forum post.

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Topics: Updates, Node-RED, groov EPIC

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