
Industrial edge architecture and cybersecurity insights

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 30, 2024 12:13:21 PM

Opto 22's Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, explains the features and importance of modern edge devices in this new Control Engineering article.

The industrial automation industry is now being driven by the idea of digital transformation and the industrial internet of things (IIoT). Understanding the concepts of edge and cloud technology and how they relate is becoming a necessity.

Opto 22's Dan White does an excellent job of explaining these terms and what it means for you and your future designs and applications. He shares his insights on edge devices, data management and cybersecurity in this newly published article from Control Engineering, "Edge to cloud: Understanding new industrial architectures."

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Topics: MQTT, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, edge computing, control engineering, cloud computing

So much more than I/O: groov devices are also IIoT gateways

Posted by Dan White on Sep 20, 2023 8:50:08 AM

Everyone knows it’s all about the cloud—and the IIoT gateway is the critical component to getting all your real-world data to that cloud. And it matters. Without it, there’s no: big data, cloud computing, advanced analytics, AI, machine learning, and the list goes on… 

At Opto 22, we have a 50 year history of helping you collect and store real-world data. We know the cloud is where you want that data. So when we designed our sleek, rugged, industrial-grade I/O that lasts a lifetime, we also made them IIoT gateways.

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Topics: IIoT, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, groov RIO, cloud computing

See what you missed in March

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 5, 2023 12:17:47 PM

From overcoming security and supply chain interruptions, to learning a "new perspective" with groov, watch as Opto 22 shares tips and insight in two recent online events.

With today's busy schedules and so many online discussions available in the industrial automation space, it's easy to miss some learning opportunities. If you missed them, here are two recent webinars you can watch now.

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Topics: Webinars, MQTT, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, groov RIO, cloud computing

How to Enable Operational Resilience: New Webinar

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 22, 2023 8:32:49 AM

Can you maintain your business in the face of supply chain challenges and ransomware attacks? Join us for a resilience webinar.

You know it’s critical for manufacturers to be able to maintain business continuity in the face of operational challenges like these. When working with today's cloud and edge computing technologies, operational resilience is vital.

Join us as Opto 22’s Rene Gamero and tech partner 4IR Solutions CTO Joe Dolivo discuss this important topic in a new webinar presentation live streaming on March 30.

In this joint webinar, Joe and Rene will discuss common obstacles to achieving operational resilience and provide a live solution demo featuring FactoryStack and groov EPIC that demonstrates overcoming security, connectivity, and reliability challenges.

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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, OptoPartner, edge computing, cloud computing

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