
Industrial edge architecture and cybersecurity insights

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 30, 2024 12:13:21 PM

Opto 22's Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, explains the features and importance of modern edge devices in this new Control Engineering article.

The industrial automation industry is now being driven by the idea of digital transformation and the industrial internet of things (IIoT). Understanding the concepts of edge and cloud technology and how they relate is becoming a necessity.

Opto 22's Dan White does an excellent job of explaining these terms and what it means for you and your future designs and applications. He shares his insights on edge devices, data management and cybersecurity in this newly published article from Control Engineering, "Edge to cloud: Understanding new industrial architectures."

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Topics: MQTT, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, edge computing, control engineering, cloud computing

Control Engineering article highlights 3 IIoT case studies

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 10, 2023 1:16:01 PM

See how system integrators in water/wastewater, natural gas production, and manufacturing leveraged MQTT and industrial edge devices to securely access and use key data.

If your goal is to get useful data from field devices and legacy systems, you’ve probably found that putting together an IIoT system is complicated, requiring many OT and IT devices, software, and protocols.

But these 3 real-world case studies show how two tools—the MQTT communications protocol and industrial edge devices—can simplify your IIoT project. 

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Topics: IIoT, MQTT, cybersecurity, MQTT implementation, edge computing, control engineering

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