
Build better manufacturing information management solutions

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 14, 2024 1:56:20 PM

Two recent IntegrateLive! workshops on open source and interoperable manufacturing systems are now available to watch on demand.

With a promise to revolutionize your approach to information management, the IntegrateLive! team hosted a two-part webinar series focused on solving information management challenges in the manufacturing industry. 

The PI System, once popular in the industrial automation space, was acquired a few years ago by Aveva. Since this change, there's been a bit of turmoil in the market, causing former PI enthusiasts to look for other ways to acquire and manage their manufacturing data—without being locked in to a specific vendor.

This IL webinar offers new open source and cybersecure solutions...with a live build to show you how. They invited IL community members from Software Toolbox, Inc., Canary, Flow Software Inc., and even brought some groov hardware from Opto 22 to demonstrate.

Now you can watch both webinars here in the OptoBlog. 

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Topics: Webinars, groov RIO, smart manufacturing, manufacturing, IntegrateLive!

Let's talk industrial cybersecurity

Posted by Janice Colmer on Nov 1, 2023 8:31:51 AM

Tune in to the latest episode of the Manufacturing Hub Network podcast for an in-depth discussion on industrial cybersecurity.

Still learning the best ways to keep your industrial control systems secure and ready to defend against cyber attacks? October was ICS Cybersecurity month, and the hosts from the Manufacturing Hub Network podcast focused on it all month long.

Vlad Romanov and Dave Griffith welcomed back Opto 22's Benson Hougland to the podcast to wrap up their security series.

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Topics: MQTT, cybersecurity, industrial automation, podcast, manufacturing

Unveiling Synergies: Opto 22 and Snowflake Illuminate the Path to Industry 4.0

Posted by Dan White on Oct 18, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Hey, Opto squad! Buckle up because we’re about to embark on another exhilarating tech ride, this time alongside our innovative partners at Snowflake. Remember the electrifying vibes from the Ignition Community Conference (ICC) 2023? Well, the sparks haven’t stopped flying.

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Topics: groov EPIC, Technology Partners, manufacturing, Snowflake

A different approach to digital evolution

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 11, 2023 11:27:17 AM

New OptoPartner Axiom Manufacturing Systems focuses on helping small and midmarket manufacturers achieve digital transformation.

With proven IoT expertise in the manufacturing sector, Axiom Manufacturing Systems can give you practical help with digital technology. Their Opto 22 IoT Certified partnership comes as a result of several recent applications utilizing both groov EPIC and groov RIO, most notably the Indiana Energy Insights project discussed in one of our previous blog posts. 

See their application experience and the solutions they offer by visiting the Axiom partner page.

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Topics: IIoT, groov EPIC, OptoPartner, groov RIO, digital transformation, manufacturing

Building a Unified Namespace with MQTT Sparkplug

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 15, 2023 8:22:10 AM

Did you miss last week's HiveMQ online workshop? You can still follow along with the live demo in this recording.

The power of MQTT technology is on display in a recent webinar that highlights the manufacturing sector and how the plant floor can be digitally transformed.

You'll learn the key components to getting the data you need from your manufacturing equipment in this demo hosted by HiveMQ's Kudzai Manditereza, which brings together Opto 22, Spruik, and N3uron.

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Topics: Webinars, MQTT, groov EPIC, Sparkplug, manufacturing

How to achieve data-driven manufacturing

Posted by Janice Colmer on Feb 23, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Join Opto 22 and tech partner HiveMQ for a live demonstration of building a Unified Namespace with MQTT Sparkplug.

Here's help for your manufacturing digital transformation: watch this live webinar showcasing MQTT technology. Opto 22 VP of Marketing & Product Strategy, Benson Hougland, will present along with OptoPartner G5 Consulting (now Spruik) and the team from HiveMQ.

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Topics: IIoT, MQTT, groov EPIC, groov RIO, HiveMQ, manufacturing

ICC X Panel Discussion "Drain the Data Lake" now available

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 25, 2022 12:31:59 PM

Watch the panel discussion from the 2022 Ignition Community Conference that brought together experts involved in the industry-changing State of Indiana Energy INsights project.

Dedicated readers of the OptoBlog (and we appreciate you!) might recall previous posts talking about our participation in a project that's changing the way manufacturers do business in Indiana. Introduced in a Cirrus Link Solutions webinar as well as outlined in a Control news article, the significance of this project can not be overstated.

Indiana is leading the way in advancing manufacturers to make Industry 4.0 quick, simple, and cost-effective. The state has launched a first-of-its-kind program to enable its manufacturing industries to become the Factories of the Future.

So it was no surprise when the project turned up as a panel discussion topic at this year's tenth annual Ignition Community Conference. Some industry names you might recognize came together for an important conversation.

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Topics: Energy management, groov EPIC, Ignition, Ignition Community Conference, groov RIO, manufacturing

Opto 22 is hiring

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 23, 2022 1:47:28 PM

Opto 22 is actively recruiting for positions in engineering and manufacturing.

Team Opto is continuing to grow and we're looking for enthusiastic and dedicated people who are passionate about their work and ready to make a contribution in the field of industrial automation.

We've been in business for more than 45 years and financial stability is a cornerstone to our success, which is vital in the challenging economic state of the world today. The cutting edge technology found in our groov EPIC and groov RIO products is growing in demand, and therefore we are looking to fill more positions in both engineering and manufacturing.

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Topics: Careers, Technical Writer, Firmware Engineer, maintenance technician, manufacturing

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