
Elevating Insights: My ICC 2023 Odyssey

Posted by Dan White on Oct 5, 2023 9:24:37 AM

Hey Opto fam! Just dropping in to share that I had an absolute blast at the Ignition Community Conference ICC 2023 in Folsom, CA. "Elevate" wasn't just a theme, it was a whole mood. The energy? Electric. The sessions? Mind-blowing. And us? Opto 22 was right in the thick of it, showcasing our game-changing products and turning heads with our Ignition-ready tech.

Elevate Your OT Data Securely to the Cloud with Benson Hougland

Guess who crushed the ICC stage? None other than Opto 22's rockstar, Benson Hougland, with his presentation, "Elevate Your OT Data Securely to the Cloud." Benson broke down how to move edge data to the cloud without skipping a beat on cybersecurity. And for those cloud-hesitant system architects—don’t worry: the principles he covered also apply to on-premises applications. The room was buzzing, and by the end, we all felt like we'd been on a thrilling tech ride. Thanks, Benson, for reminding us to fasten our seatbelts!


Extend the Ignition Platform to the Edge of Your Network: Garrick Reichert and Arun Sinha

A couple more industry experts at Opto 22, Garrick Reichert and Arun Sinha, also lit up the stage with a killer exhibitor demo. Breaking down challenges Ignition users face, they spotlighted how groov EPIC is the game-changer in streamlining SCADA applications. Think PLC, I/O, HMI, and edge gateway all rolled into one sleek device. They also gave everyone a refresher on who Opto 22 really is and our 50-year legacy in the industrial automation game.


A Buzzing Booth Experience at ICC Elevate: Opto Booth

The energy around our booth? Off the charts. That was my main hangout at ICC. The insight gained at the Opto 22 sessions had attendees flocking to our space, hyped to get up close and personal with our latest groov gear. Big props to Jason Hamlin of Inframark and Alex Marcy at Corso Systems for the Booth Cam


Dashing Through Data: A Sparkplug Spectacle

The Sparkplug Data Dash was not merely an event; it was a collective, innovative journey, and a testament to the power of community and collaborative innovation: a live Ignition Cloud Edition Perspective dashboard, aglow with data from community-built models worldwide. And yes, we were there in force –  illuminating the map with our groov EPIC demo units streaming OT data into the cloud broker and spotlighting the dynamic capabilities of Ignition Edge and MQTT Sparkplug in an authentic, real-time display.

And the dash continues! Dive into our ongoing Ignition Cloud Edition project and explore the groov EPICs, still pulsating and publishing OT data from various points around the globe.


Keynotes: Knowledge Bombs were Dropped

A number of huge announcements shook things up at ICC this year, from the introduction of Inductive Australia to some great new product features coming in Ignition 8.1. But heads up, Opto users! One of those key announcements was a streamlining of Ignition Edge, a package that comes pre-installed on groov EPIC and groov RIO MM2. Ignition Edge licenses will now come in just two options: Ignition Edge IIoT and Ignition Edge Panel. Both options will include all the capabilities you’ve gotten used to on groov EPIC, with the added bonus of unlimited tags and device connections. Mind? Blown.

Keep following the OptoBlog for more details on when these license changes will take effect.


The Build-A-Thon: A Showcase of Talent and Innovation

Okay, let's talk Build-a-Thon! This wasn't just any competition; it was THE event where Ignition wizards battled it out, showcasing their skills. Corso Systems and Barry-Wehmiller Design Group crushed it with their standout performances. But let's not forget the behind-the-scenes work that Terry Orchard contributed. He was the brains and hands behind those EPIC build-a-thon hardware rigs. Just think of it as a journey through the mystical realm known as the Land of Ignition. Yup, legendary. Look for a video recording of the Build-a-Thon to be available soon.


Reflecting on ICC 2023: A Confluence of Innovation and Community

ICC 2023 was nothing short of stellar. Huge thanks to Inductive Automation for curating such an enlightening event. The sense of community around their platform? Truly next-level. It was more than just a conference. As I look back, I'm armed with fresh insights, meaningful connections, and a renewed drive. Here's to the exciting horizons ahead in automation. Onward and upward.



Topics: groov EPIC, Ignition, Ignition Community Conference, groov RIO, Inductive Automation

Written by Dan White

Dan has worked at Opto 22 for more than a decade. His Tufts Engineering background, MBA in International Business, and prior industrial controls experience give him a unique edge in automation. Dan enjoys staying active through biking, basketball, skiing – and keeping up with his three young kids!
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