
The Art of the Possible: groov EPIC Booth Cam

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 25, 2023 9:08:38 AM

OptoPartner Corso Systems shares how they collaborated with another OptoPartner, Inframark A&I, to build an EPIC addition to the Opto 22 Booth at #ICCElevate.

Inspired by the ENTELEC Conference & Expo's Innovations Lab, Inductive Automation introduced an event called the Data Dash at this year's Ignition Community Conference (ICC). Corso Systems CEO Alex Marcy gives us some insight and background on how this project led to another fun application using an IP camera at Opto 22's conference booth.

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Topics: groov EPIC, Ignition, Ignition Community Conference, Art of the Possible

The Art of the Possible with Corso Systems

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 22, 2023 9:30:00 AM

While groov EPIC and groov RIO products seamlessly integrate with SCADA systems like Ignition from Inductive Automation, they also have a built-in Application Programming Interface (API) you can use to access much of the information and features of the platform. 

Alex Marcy, CEO of Corso Systems, explains how in this Art of the Possible guest blog.

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Topics: groov EPIC, Ignition, Art of the Possible

The Art of the Possible: An EPIC "Dream Machine" for Ignition Edge

Posted by Janice Colmer on Nov 17, 2022 8:38:40 AM

Hear from OptoPartner 4IR Solutions in this guest blog post about the ideal device for running Ignition Edge software.

The Ignition platform by Inductive Automation provides a modern, robust, and flexible development environment for building SCADA, IIoT, and Industry 4.0 applications in support of digital transformation initiatives.

Ignition's scalable architecture makes it a perfect solution for building both fully on-premises applications as well as "hybrid cloud" applications that are distributed across both the cloud and the edge. In the industrial automation world, most cloud-enabled solutions still require an on-premises component to allow control of equipment and data buffering in the event of connectivity issues. Ignition provides a purpose-built Ignition Edge product suite for this use case, which must be deployed on a complementary hardware platform that is appropriate for running plant-floor applications.

Let's consider for a moment what an ideal device for running Ignition Edge might look like—our hypothetical Ignition Edge "Dream Machine."

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Topics: Ignition Edge, groov EPIC, OptoPartner, Art of the Possible

The Art of the Possible: Modern Security for Industrial Systems

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 3, 2022 5:30:00 AM

Inductive Automation's Kevin McClusky suggests a different approach to make your industrial systems safe and secure in this month's featured guest blog.

What would it take to break into Fort Knox? As one of the most secure locations on the planet, it wouldn’t be easy. However, someone with the right amount of time, planning, and determination may be able to find a way.

The same is true for most industrial systems. So, how to protect what’s inside? Strategies that may work in the physical world—thicker walls or taller fences—don’t translate to digital systems. The tools of the trade here are a variety of high-tech solutions such as firewalls, SIEMs, IDS’s, and IPS’s. These are tools mainly to monitor network traffic and control the flow, and provide early alerts if there’s unusual activity.

However, what if we threw out all of those traditional tools and took a different approach?

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Topics: Security, cybersecurity, Ignition, Inductive Automation, Art of the Possible

The Art of the Possible: Easy, Scalable, Maintainable Data When and Where You Need It

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 20, 2022 8:30:00 AM

Hear from John Harrington, Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at HighByte, as our guest series on the open automation ecosystem continues.

Many companies are looking to improve their business by collecting and making better use of industrial data. Whether you are performing AI/ML-based predictive analytics, setting up quality dashboards, measuring lean projects, or simply logging for traceability, you require consistent, reliable, and secure data. At HighByte, an industrial software company, we’re focused on providing the infrastructure to reliably manage data delivery at scale. 

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Topics: IIoT, groov EPIC, edge computing, groov RIO, Art of the Possible, HighByte, OT data

The Art of the Possible: .NET-based Industrial Applications

Posted by Josh Eastburn on Apr 27, 2022 8:57:40 AM

How can you deliver modern Industry 4.0 capabilities that still come in under budget? Harry McCollum of Tatsoft illustrates.

Today’s applications require more than a one-vendor approach. FrameworX by Tatsoft provides an open, extensible software platform as an alternative to the big control vendors. It includes everything you need to build world-class industrial applications at an affordable price: SCADA, HMI, MES, IIoT, mobile, dashboards, and more. With FrameworX, you can do it all without breaking the bank!

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Topics: groov EPIC, groov RIO, Art of the Possible, open source, Tatsoft

The Art of the Possible: Build an MQTT network super fast

Posted by Josh Eastburn on Mar 29, 2022 11:45:40 AM

Want to get started with MQTT today? Ian Skerrett of HiveMQ shows you how, as our guest series on the open automation ecosystem continues.

Many companies are turning to MQTT and Sparkplug to simplify the process of acquiring their industrial data. MQTT provides lightweight, publish/subscribe communication that allows you to decouple hardware from software. By removing these dependencies, you can also remove the data silos that have existed in many industrial deployments. Sparkplug provides a common format for industrial operators to send data that can be processed by different applications. The openness and data interoperability of Sparkplug makes it possible to start implementing many IIoT use cases.

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Topics: MQTT, groov EPIC, groov RIO, Art of the Possible, HiveMQ

The Art of the Possible: Blockchain for industrial data

Posted by Josh Eastburn on Feb 23, 2022 7:00:00 AM

Nathan Field of Ascend Data Tech joins our guest series to explain why and how you should put your process data into a distributed ledger

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology, increasingly ready to change the landscape of business, everything from finance to supply chain. As you set forth into the path of Industry 4.0, you should take stock of how you could integrate blockchain into your own processes. Let's talk about how to know when it could benefit your process and how Opto 22's groov series can help you succeed.

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Topics: MQTT, groov RIO, Art of the Possible, blockchain

The Art of the Possible: Collaborative data management

Posted by Josh Eastburn on Jan 18, 2022 3:12:56 PM

Get everyone on the same page with data tools that help you distinguish the signal from the noise. Tor Eriksen of Clarify explains how.

Clarify helps people turn data into good decisions

Last year, Opto 22 had the opportunity to showcase some amazing partner collaborations like our webcast with HiveMQ and Canary. The open automation ecosystem continues to explode with potential, so this year we wanted to bring you even more.

Throughout 2022, we’ll explore what’s possible when you pair Opto 22 hardware with other open automation tools. This series will include some heavy-hitters you might be familiar with as well as some new names. Hopefully at least one will turn on a lightbulb for you!

Our first guest is Tor-Inge Eriksen of Clarify, a time-series visualization platform that helps users quickly turn data into information. Tor, take it away!

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Topics: Node-RED, Data acquisition, groov EPIC, machine data, groov RIO, system integration, Art of the Possible, open source

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