
Learn about the world of SCADA

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 24, 2024 2:35:42 PM

Join Opto 22 and several industry experts at the first annual OT SCADA CON event in Houston.

Dive into the world of operational technology and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems with industry experts and fellow enthusiasts. Opto 22 is a proud sponsor of a first-of-its-kind SCADA event taking place in Houston July 25–26, 2024: OT SCADA CON.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to expand your knowledge and grow your professional network. It promises to be the perfect chance to connect, learn, and network in person.

OT SCADA CON is for controls people, maintenance staff, technicians, and sales professionals to learn all about operational technology and the world of SCADA.

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Topics: Events & conferences, groov EPIC, industrial automation, groov RIO, SCADA, OT data

Accelerating the Industry: 28th Annual ARC Industry Forum

Posted by Dan White on Feb 12, 2024 3:18:25 PM

Opto 22's Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, shares his experience from this year's annual ARC event.

In its 28th year, the ARC’s Industry Forum did not disappoint. I just returned from this cutting-edge event where tech enthusiasts and industry professionals gathered to explore the latest in smart manufacturing, digital transformation, and industrial automation, and I’m eager to share the highlights and heartbeats of this remarkable gathering. 

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Topics: Events & conferences, groov EPIC, ARC Forum, industrial automation, digital transformation, smart manufacturing

Let's talk industrial cybersecurity

Posted by Janice Colmer on Nov 1, 2023 8:31:51 AM

Tune in to the latest episode of the Manufacturing Hub Network podcast for an in-depth discussion on industrial cybersecurity.

Still learning the best ways to keep your industrial control systems secure and ready to defend against cyber attacks? October was ICS Cybersecurity month, and the hosts from the Manufacturing Hub Network podcast focused on it all month long.

Vlad Romanov and Dave Griffith welcomed back Opto 22's Benson Hougland to the podcast to wrap up their security series.

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Topics: MQTT, cybersecurity, industrial automation, podcast, manufacturing

System integrators to network in Denver

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 13, 2022 9:50:37 AM

The annual CSIA Conference is back and takes a deep dive into "The Future of Work"

The annual CSIA Executive Conference is once again an in-person event. Join 500+ system integrators and industry partners in Denver, Colorado, June 27-30, 2022.

To help you navigate this (pandemic-influenced) new world, the 2022 CSIA Executive Conference will take a deep dive into “The Future of Work.” From keynote presentations to panel discussions to one-on-one networking, you’ll discover how thought leaders, industry experts, and most importantly, your peers are addressing these challenges.

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Topics: Events & conferences, industrial automation, system integrator, OptoPartner, Inductive Automation

The Evolution of Control Systems

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 12, 2022 7:59:03 AM

Tune into this recent Manufacturing Hub podcast where Opto 22's Benson Hougland discusses how control systems have changed over time and what the future looks like.

In today's world of industrial automation, podcasts, webinars, online forums and communities are playing a vital role in educating engineers and keeping them informed of the latest technologies. The Manufacturing Hub podcast is growing in popularity and has become a great resource for all levels of automation professionals.

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Topics: IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, industrial automation, podcast

New podcast discussion: What brings OT and IT together

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 13, 2021 9:01:27 AM

Listen and watch episode 18 of The Manufacturing Hub Podcast for more insight on what challenges OT engineers are facing today.

Opto 22's leader in product strategy, Benson Hougland, is back in the OptoDemo Studio to discuss new Industry 4.0 tools and what it means for engineers in the industrial automation space and beyond.

As a guest on The Manufacturing Hub Podcast, Benson is part of an hour-long conversation with hosts Vlad Romanov and Dave Griffith. (You might remember Vlad as being an OptoPartner, and we've mentioned his SolisPLC training platform and groov product reviews in previous OptoBlog posts.) We were thrilled to be working together again and hope you enjoy the discussion.

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Topics: IIoT, Node-RED, Ignition Edge, groov EPIC, industrial automation, podcast, groov RIO

Latest OptoPartner Video - RDI Controls

Posted by Arun Sinha on Apr 28, 2021 1:30:00 PM

Experienced S.I. harnesses the power of Opto 22’s control system.

One thing is for sure -- RDI Controls knows turbine and governor control systems. That said, if you are looking for an experienced Opto 22 systems integrator that can tackle most any application, have a look at our latest OptoPartner video

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Topics: PLCs, PAC Control, PID loop control, groov EPIC, industrial automation, snap pac, OptoPartner, OptoPartner video

Engineering Ideas Clinic at the University of Waterloo

Posted by Arun Sinha on Apr 13, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Industrial automation hub brings the real-world into the classroom for students

Though I have the highest regard for the university where I received my engineering degree, I felt the curriculum was more theoretical than practical. I was steeped in differential equations and engineering mathematics and didn’t actually have a design project or build anything until my senior year.

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Topics: Case studies, Videos, groov EPIC, industrial automation, Ignition, system integrator, groov RIO, digital transformation, Inductive Automation

Engenuity OptoPartner Video - Oil and Gas Pros

Posted by Arun Sinha on Apr 6, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Pressure testing validation of well control and BOP

In this OptoPartner video see Jeff Hilpert, President of Engenuity Inc., talk about the benefits of controls and data in a single solution.

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Topics: Oil & gas, Node-RED, MQTT, CODESYS, groov EPIC, industrial automation, MariaDB, system integrator, OptoPartner, edge computing, OptoPartner video

New OptoPartner Video - Meet JP Plus

Posted by Arun Sinha on Mar 11, 2021 7:00:00 AM

Though JP Plus has been in business for seven years, Juan Peguero’s experience with Opto 22 goes back to 1997.  One of the many things that has always made JP Plus a valued OptoPartner is their rapid response team. Often our customers need on site support or help on short notice and JP Plus never disappoints.  Juan also points out how they have adapted to the new “remote” world and are helping clients that way as well.

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Topics: IoT, PAC Control, Node-RED, MQTT, data visualization, industrial automation, OptoPartner, OptoPartner video

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