
Webinar Recording: Assembling the Puzzle Pieces of Digital Transformation

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 8, 2024 1:45:20 PM

Learn how all the pieces of digital transformation come together to add another level of data connectivity and security to your projects.

Did you attend last month's Digital Transformation webinar? The discussion revolved around data, connectivity, and cybersecurity, so you can improve your industrial processes. In case you missed it or would like to watch it again, here's your chance!
Webinar host Inductive Automation released the recording of the complete presentation so you can watch on demand. Opto 22 joins fellow Inductive Automation Solution Partners for a step-by-step demonstration of how to build a scalable system for SCADA, MES, IIoT, and Digital Transformation.
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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, Ignition, groov RIO, digital transformation, Inductive Automation

Leveraging technology at the DX Forum

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 17, 2024 8:30:00 AM

Make plans to attend the first annual Digital Transformation Forum at the Boston Convention Center, May 1-2.

Experience two days dedicated to helping manufacturers take on digital transformation challenges. Join Opto 22's Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, at the upcoming DX Forum.

On May 1st at 1:45 p.m., see how ALTA Refrigeration created more efficient, productive, and secure systems by leveraging digital technology. Dan will be joined by ALTA's Peter Santoro and Todd Hedenstrom for a presentation of their case study.

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Topics: Case studies, Events & conferences, groov EPIC, digital transformation

The move to groov for an IIoT approach in water management

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 8, 2024 12:40:30 PM

A new case study explains how Paloma Irrigation and Drainage District bridged the gap between operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) for seamless data flow and efficient management.

The Paloma Irrigation and Drainage District (PIDD) has been operating for over 100 years in Gila Bend, Arizona. It provides essential irrigation and drainage services to 30,000 agriculturally diverse acres and nearly 100 homes. More than just irrigation, the PIDD safeguards the environment and upholds the community's water rights.

The PIDD faced several pressing challenges, including high maintenance costs, limited monitoring and control, and inefficient manual operations. These challenges led them to look at industrial internet of things (IIoT) possibilities, which highlighted the need for a more modern, cost-effective, and data-driven approach to water management.

In this case study, read how PIDD bridged the gap between their operational technology (OT) and information technology (IT) for seamless data flow and efficient management, propelling them into their SCADA expansion.

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Topics: Case studies, Water & wastewater, IIoT, Raspberry Pi, MQTT, groov EPIC, groov RIO, digital transformation

More chances to see live groov demos

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 20, 2024 9:08:30 AM

See what shows and conferences have been added to Opto 22's 2024 event schedule.

Have you visited the Events page on the Opto 22 website lately? A recent post shared what trade shows have been scheduled for the first quarter of the year, but now there are more opportunities to see groov products in action—hopefully coming to a city near you.

Get details on upcoming events in Boston, Chicago, and Paris, France.

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Topics: Events & conferences, groov EPIC, groov RIO, digital transformation

Scaling Success - Deploying IloT for Maximized ROI

Posted by Janice Colmer on Feb 14, 2024 9:42:20 AM

This previously-recorded IIoT World webinar provides tips on how the IIoT can help your business.

The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is transforming industries worldwide, but many businesses hesitate to take the plunge. You're not alone if you're wondering how IIoT can help your business achieve its goals.

In a recent webinar hosted by IIoT World, a panel of industry experts discussed the challenges and benefits of IIoT investment and how to deploy IIoT solutions for maximized return on investment (ROI).

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Topics: Webinars, IIoT, digital transformation

Accelerating the Industry: 28th Annual ARC Industry Forum

Posted by Dan White on Feb 12, 2024 3:18:25 PM

Opto 22's Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, shares his experience from this year's annual ARC event.

In its 28th year, the ARC’s Industry Forum did not disappoint. I just returned from this cutting-edge event where tech enthusiasts and industry professionals gathered to explore the latest in smart manufacturing, digital transformation, and industrial automation, and I’m eager to share the highlights and heartbeats of this remarkable gathering. 

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Topics: Events & conferences, groov EPIC, ARC Forum, industrial automation, digital transformation, smart manufacturing

Understanding Your Industrial Electricity Bill

Posted by Arun Sinha on Dec 6, 2023 7:00:00 AM

The first step toward reducing your energy spend is to analyze your utility bill.

In my previous blog post, “Why Consider Energy Monitoring” I proposed that acquiring data was essential to any project targeted at reducing an organization's energy spend. I also touched on how the electric utility bill for industrial users can be complex.

If you are considering monitoring your energy and power, a good first step would be to get a hold of and understand that bill. I thought I would analyze and share my thoughts on Opto 22’s bill, as it is probably very similar to the one for your industrial or commercial facility.

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Topics: Energy management, IIoT, Data acquisition, digital transformation, power monitoring, groov rio emu, energy monitoring

StrataVu brings an EPIC solution to oil and gas projects

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 13, 2023 10:56:35 AM

New Opto 22 technology partner Strata Innovative Solutions announces StrataVu: software that empowers programmers of all levels.

Looking for an affordable way to manage and automate your well pads?

Opto 22 is excited to announce we've partnered with another leader in digital transformation and the oil and gas industry: Strata Innovative Solutions.

The Strata engineering teams bring a deep understanding of the process, agile engineering, and systems integration that speeds efficiencies and reduces costs. Strata’s advanced capabilities offer customers unique advantages with edge-to-cloud solutions that transform data into actionable information and deliver it at scale to the people who need it—anytime and anywhere—while keeping cybersecurity at the forefront.

Which is why their latest software offering, StrataVu, fits perfectly with the out-of-the-box cybersecure, industrial edge controller groov EPIC.

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Topics: Oil & gas, IIoT, groov EPIC, edge computing, digital transformation, Technology Partners

A different approach to digital evolution

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 11, 2023 11:27:17 AM

New OptoPartner Axiom Manufacturing Systems focuses on helping small and midmarket manufacturers achieve digital transformation.

With proven IoT expertise in the manufacturing sector, Axiom Manufacturing Systems can give you practical help with digital technology. Their Opto 22 IoT Certified partnership comes as a result of several recent applications utilizing both groov EPIC and groov RIO, most notably the Indiana Energy Insights project discussed in one of our previous blog posts. 

See their application experience and the solutions they offer by visiting the Axiom partner page.

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Topics: IIoT, groov EPIC, OptoPartner, groov RIO, digital transformation, manufacturing

ICC 2022 live demo now available on demand

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 5, 2022 12:00:00 PM

Watch Opto 22's product solution demo from day two of this year's virtual Ignition Community Conference (ICCX).

Were you able to attend this week's virtual ICCX event? As in previous years, Opto 22 was a sponsor, presenter and exhibitor at the annual conference. We kicked off day two of the exhibitor presentations with a product solution demo featuring groov EPIC and groov RIO

In this half-hour, rapid-fire presentation, we demonstrated the power of edge computing and 4 edge architectures using Ignition and Ignition Edge. Watch a live demonstration of these technologies in action, and see how you can build edge architectures for your digital transformation projects.  

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Topics: Webinars, Ignition Edge, groov EPIC, Ignition, Ignition Community Conference, groov RIO, digital transformation

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