First, OptoTagPreserve has been updated! If you are a fan of this useful utility program (as I am), be sure to download the latest version.
If you're new to PAC Control, or haven't tried OptoTagPreserve, here is why you should take a closer look.
First, OptoTagPreserve has been updated! If you are a fan of this useful utility program (as I am), be sure to download the latest version.
If you're new to PAC Control, or haven't tried OptoTagPreserve, here is why you should take a closer look.
Topics: Firmware, PAC Control, OptoTagPreserve, groov EPIC, snap pac
Last OptoNews you heard about all the new features in PAC Project 9.5 and SNAP PAC firmware 9.5, both just released.
The most exciting new features are the HTTP/HTTPS server and RESTful API, giving you secure access to I/O point and variable data in your PAC controller.
These developer- and IoT-ready features are free—all you need to do is update your firmware.
But updating PAC controller firmware on a running system can pose a problem.
Topics: Updates, Tips, optonews, PACs, PAC Project, Firmware, PAC Control, OptoTagPreserve, OptoNews 2016-08-03
I'm extremely excited about the new capabilities of the 9.5 firmware and, in particular, the new RESTful interface (REST API and HTTP/S server) for SNAP PAC controllers. I have several PACs throughout my home for various tasks like lighting, A/C, irrigation, energy management, monitoring, and surveillance. The new RESTful interface allows me to take my home automation system to completely new levels, including interacting with my other home automation/IoT products, like my Nest thermostats, smoke alarms, and NestCams; my Philips Hue lighting; my Wemo switches; and much more.
This post isn’t about home automation, however. It’s about getting the firmware upgrade done and configuring the HTTP/S RESTful server. And in doing so, it was important to me (and my application) that I preserved the persistent control system variables used in my control strategies. So...the following are the steps I took to upgrade my firmware while preserving important data and getting started with REST.
Topics: PACs, Firmware, PAC Control, API, REST API, RESTful server, PAC Manager, OptoTagPreserve, REST
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