
Assembling the Puzzle Pieces of Digital Transformation

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 10, 2024 2:17:06 PM

Register to attend an Inductive Automation Solution Partner Webinar—presented by Inductive Automation, Cirrus Link Solutions, Sepasoft, Opto 22, and 4IR Solutions.

Digital Transformation is a multi-layered process that requires data and connectivity on every level. Each level of connectivity presents its own challenges and complexities, but you can definitely achieve Digital Transformation when you have the right lineup of solutions.

In this one-hour webinar, you'll see how to build a scalable system for SCADA, MES, IIoT, and Digital Transformation, step by step. Experts from Inductive Automation, Cirrus Link Solutions, Sepasoft, Opto 22, and 4IR Solutions will explain how their respective software and hardware components fit together to create a seamless automation ecosystem within an Ignition Hub and Spoke Architecture.

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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, Ignition, Technology Partners

Unveiling Synergies: Opto 22 and Snowflake Illuminate the Path to Industry 4.0

Posted by Dan White on Oct 18, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Hey, Opto squad! Buckle up because we’re about to embark on another exhilarating tech ride, this time alongside our innovative partners at Snowflake. Remember the electrifying vibes from the Ignition Community Conference (ICC) 2023? Well, the sparks haven’t stopped flying.

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Topics: groov EPIC, Technology Partners, manufacturing, Snowflake

Apex Energy Replaces End-of-life System for Improved Data

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 27, 2023 9:10:16 AM

New case study shows how StrataVu and groov EPIC secure a flexible future for Oil & Gas production.

When the hardware for the automation system you’ve deployed throughout your entire installed base is suddenly declared end-of-life, you’re faced with a problem. That’s what happened to Apex Energy LLC, a natural gas exploration and production company, headquartered just outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

As a longtime customer of systems integrator and Opto technology partner Strata Innovative Solutions, Apex had used Strata’s field-proven PadPro automation solution starting with their second drilling site, or well pad. They were happy with the solution. But in 2019-2020, manufacturers of the hardware components began to end-of-life their products. For their planned growth, Apex needed a new solution that would offer as seamless a transition as possible.

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Topics: Case studies, groov EPIC, Technology Partners, oil and gas

Inductive Automation names Opto 22 as a Solution Partner

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 26, 2023 12:53:45 PM

Partnership gives you simple solutions for remote equipment, cloud connections, brownfield applications, and more.

This week has been a busy one for the Opto 22 team at the annual Ignition Community Conference, hosted by Inductive Automation. It was also the perfect time to share some exciting news with our customers and media partners about our IA partnership status. Opto 22 has now been named a Solution Partner.

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Topics: groov EPIC, Ignition, groov RIO, Inductive Automation, Technology Partners

Improve OEE in minutes

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 11, 2023 11:08:25 AM

Watch Opto Technology Partners HiveMQ and 4IR Solutions improve OEE in this 60-minute webinar recording.

One of the most important manufacturing industry innovations has been the concept of OEE or Overall Equipment Effectiveness. OEE can help just about any manufacturing and production line in the world.

If you're looking to improve your OEE metrics and boost productivity, this webinar our friends at HiveMQ and 4IR Solutions put together is a must-watch. 

Experts from HiveMQ, 4IR, and Riveron guide you through the process of implementing, measuring, and improving OEE, even if you’re starting from scratch.

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Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, OEE, Technology Partners

StrataVu brings an EPIC solution to oil and gas projects

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 13, 2023 10:56:35 AM

New Opto 22 technology partner Strata Innovative Solutions announces StrataVu: software that empowers programmers of all levels.

Looking for an affordable way to manage and automate your well pads?

Opto 22 is excited to announce we've partnered with another leader in digital transformation and the oil and gas industry: Strata Innovative Solutions.

The Strata engineering teams bring a deep understanding of the process, agile engineering, and systems integration that speeds efficiencies and reduces costs. Strata’s advanced capabilities offer customers unique advantages with edge-to-cloud solutions that transform data into actionable information and deliver it at scale to the people who need it—anytime and anywhere—while keeping cybersecurity at the forefront.

Which is why their latest software offering, StrataVu, fits perfectly with the out-of-the-box cybersecure, industrial edge controller groov EPIC.

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Topics: Oil & gas, IIoT, groov EPIC, edge computing, digital transformation, Technology Partners

Get quick and affordable OEE data

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 6, 2021 8:00:00 AM

A recent webinar with Opto 22 technology partner Sepasoft demonstrates flexible MES solutions with groov RIO.

In case you missed it, recorded sessions from last month's Sepasoft virtual conference are now available. Opto 22 participated in one session that explored new possibilities for evolving your MES architecture quickly and more robustly than ever before with the help of Sepasoft's OEE Cloud platform and groov RIO.

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Topics: Webinars, groov RIO, OEE, Technology Partners, Sepasoft

Join us at the Fall 2021 CODESYS Tech Talk

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 29, 2021 8:26:06 AM

The upcoming 5-day virtual event is your chance to learn, engage and discuss CODESYS tech innovations and engineering in real-time.

CODESYS is a free, platform-independent IEC 61131-3 programming tool for industrial automation systems. And if you use groov EPIC controllers, you already know EPIC supports CODESYS as a control programming option and runtime engine. CODESYS GmbH is one of Opto 22's valued Technology Partners, and we are once again participating in their semi-annual user conference.

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Topics: Webinars, Events & conferences, CODESYS, groov EPIC, Technology Partners

Flexible MES solutions with groov RIO

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 8, 2021 8:00:00 AM

Opto 22 will be joining Technology Partner Sepasoft for a free virtual conference showcasing their latest MES modules.

The Opto 22 events calendar continues to fill up with opportunities to work with our Technology Partners - which means more chances for you to see how our products work together in real-time, with real application scenarios.

A manufacturing execution system (MES) is used to control, track, and document the transformation of raw materials into finished goods in real-time. MES systems are capable of tracking production by the second and, in some cases, less than one second. Opto Tech Partner Sepasoft wants to show you what this type of MES technology can mean for your business in a free, half-day virtual conference.

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Topics: Events & conferences, groov RIO, Technology Partners, Sepasoft, MES

The Automation Roadshow you don't want to miss

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 17, 2021 8:51:40 AM

Join Opto 22 as we head out on the road with our Technology Partners for a 3-day IIoT event in Chicago.

Here's a reason your September just got busier! Mark your calendars for September 13 - 15, 2021. Don't miss this hands-on opportunity to build an IIoT architecture using the latest technologies all working together!

**UPDATE** Due to recurring COVID-19 restrictions, this event has been temporarily postponed. A new roadshow date will be announced in the near future. We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to check back for updates.

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Topics: Events & conferences, IIoT, MQTT, groov EPIC, groov RIO, Technology Partners

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