
Take your projects to the next level with groov EPIC training

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 12, 2024 8:40:53 AM

Premium Factory Training classes provide hands-on instruction for choosing the best programming options for your control applications.

Looking for a reason to attend groov EPIC Premium Factory Training at Opto 22 headquarters? Are your projects requiring technology that can do much more than a PLC?

The monthly in-person training sessions offered at Opto 22 headquarters help you expand your skill set and find easier ways to meet your current application challenges. The team of Opto 22 instructors are committed to helping each student succeed—no matter your years of experience, skill level, range of interests or goals.

Learn system components and configuration, networking capabilities, diagnostics, troubleshooting, and communication methods that you can apply to your own industrial automation application. You might just build a complete solution before you leave!

At the conclusion of each class, students are encouraged to share their feedback with the training staff. Hear what this month's students had to say about their groov EPIC training experience. Then register to join us for the next class!

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

Add delays to speed up

Posted by Ben Orchard on Apr 17, 2024 9:00:00 AM

Some tech tip advice to help keep your industrial systems running smoothly.

Whenever I say this blog title out loud to the Premium Factory Training class attendees, I get some funny looks. I'm not sure if it's the Aussie accent, or the idea of adding delays to speed up that causes the double-take chuckles.

Compute power has come a long way in the last 10 years or so, but regardless, we programmers of all things industrial still need to be mindful of optimizing our code and systems to run as smoothly as they possibly can.

Arguably, one of the biggest tips for programming in PAC Control I can share with you all is to add delays through your flow charts and OptoScript blocks.

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Topics: PAC Control, groov EPIC, Factory Training, technical tips

More groov EPIC graduates for the class of 2024

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 12, 2024 1:36:09 PM

Read feedback from students in the March 2024 groov EPIC Premium Factory Training class.

It was another full class of eager-to-learn groov EPIC students who made the trip to Opto 22 headquarters in Temecula, California this month. The value of in-person, instructor-led training is once again clear after another successful week: the course benefits engineers at all levels of experience with all types of applications. And that’s thanks to the team of Opto trainers who devote their time to developing a comprehensive, integrated class curriculum.

Hear what this month's students had to say about their groov EPIC training experience. Then register to join us for the next class!

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

New year offers more groov EPIC training

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 25, 2024 8:58:34 AM

Opto 22 headquarters welcomed a new group of groov EPIC students to kick off 2024 training.

The value of in-person, instructor-led training at the Opto 22 factory and headquarters is evident after working with another great class of Opto students this week—all eager to become groov EPIC experts. And kudos, once again, to the team of Opto trainers who devote their time to developing a class curriculum that is beneficial for all levels of engineering and types of applications.

This month, students made the trip to California from Texas, Tennessee, Florida, Massachusetts, and parts of central California to attend and spend 4 days immersed in the groov EPIC system—learning all its features, capabilities, and programming options.

If you haven't attended training yet, we hope you can join us at one of our upcoming classes.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

Register for 2024 groov product training

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 11, 2023 8:00:00 AM

The 2024 groov EPIC Premium Factory Training class dates have been announced.

Are you interested in learning more about edge controller technology? Do you need help achieving digital transformation goals within your company? Or do you simply want to be exposed to the latest types of controllers that can do so much more than a PLC?

Make plans to join us next year in one of the groov EPIC Premium Factory Training classes at Opto 22 headquarters in Temecula, California. The 2024 class schedule has just been released.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training, groov RIO

Meet more groov EPIC graduates

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 31, 2023 2:01:40 PM

Another full class of students learned about groov EPIC in the July 2023 Premium Factory Training class.

Another full class means word is getting out, and classroom PLC training is in demand. Are you considering a system upgrade or just curious how groov EPIC compares to other systems you've used?  Do you need help configuring and programming hardware and software for your industrial automation or IIoT application? 

Then consider spending a week with us at Opto 22 headquarters learning all the programming options and features of groov EPIC, the Edge Programmable Industrial Controller.

July's group of students represented a variety of industries and provided some great feedback on their training experience. Take a look at what they said.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

More groov EPIC graduates for the class of 2023

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 28, 2023 12:02:03 PM

Opto 22 welcomes another full class of students for the June 2023 groov EPIC Premium Factory Training class.

Are you looking for in-person, classroom PLC training? Or do you need help configuring and programming hardware and software for your industrial automation or IIoT application? Our groov EPIC Premium Factory Training course is for you!

The latest group of 12 students complete the program this week. They now have new knowledge and skills to apply to their own applications when they return home. 

This month we have a few local visitors, but students also made the trip from as far as Texas, New Mexico, Alabama, Maryland, Florida, Washington, and the Carolinas. They're spending 4 days immersed in the groov EPIC system—learning all its features, capabilities, and programming options.

See what's included when you sign up to learn about groov EPIC - the Edge Programmable Industrial Controller.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

Another groov EPIC factory training in the books

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 24, 2023 9:17:51 AM

Opto 22 headquarters welcomed students to the May 2023 groov EPIC Premium Factory Training class.

The value of in-person, instructor-led training at the Opto 22 factory and headquarters is evident after working with another great class of Opto students this week—all eager to become groov EPIC experts. And kudos, once again, to the team of Opto trainers who devote their time to developing a class curriculum that is beneficial for all levels of engineering and types of applications.

This month, students made the trip to California from Texas, Oklahoma, Utah and even Canada to attend and spend 4 days immersed in the groov EPIC system—learning all its features, capabilities, and programming options.

If you haven't attended training yet, we hope you can join us at one of our upcoming classes.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

Kicking off the Class of 2023

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 10, 2023 12:55:05 PM

Opto 22 headquarters hosts the first groov EPIC Premium Factory Training class of 2023.

The much anticipated return of in-person, instructor-led training at the Opto 22 factory and headquarters became a reality this week! Hats off to the team of Opto trainers as well as the great group of 12 students who made the class a success.

Students traveled from all across the country to attend and spent 4 days immersed in the groov EPIC system—learning all its features, capabilities, and programming options.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, Factory Training

Commissioning groov EPIC

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 8, 2023 2:27:01 PM

New course just added to OptoU online training shows you how to set up authentication, encryption, and trusted communication.

One of the first lessons you have in the groov EPIC Premium Factory training classroom here at Opto headquarters is: Commissioning groov EPIC. Whether you just purchased your first groov EPIC controller, or are a seasoned user, the course shows you how to set up your controller, right out of the box.

You'll now find these step-by-step instructions for commissioning EPIC on OptoU online training. This short course walks you through everything you need to know to get your groov EPIC authenticated and set up for secure, encrypted communication. Let's get started.

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Topics: Training, groov EPIC, OptoU, Factory Training

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