The 22nd Annual ARC Industry Forum in Orlando this February focused on digitizing and securing industry and infrastructure.
ARC Advisory Group interviews Opto 22's Benson Hougland on IIoT products
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, Remote monitoring, IoT, PACs, New products, Events & conferences, API, REST API, REST, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, Data acquisition, Ignition Edge, EPIC
What if your operators could enter machine data on their phones and that data automatically appeared in a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet?
What if production or usage data from your spreadsheet was automatically updated in your supervisor's groov mobile operator interface?
Could be pretty handy, right?
Well, we've got a couple of code samples to show you how to make it happen.
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Integrators, API, REST API, REST, mobile, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things
In several previous posts we talked about some of the software technologies automation professionals should put on their radar in preparation for Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applications.
JavaScript, node.js and Node-RED offer a ton of benefits to those looking to build their IIoT application. Learn more about the Industrial Internet of Things in the State of the IIoT white paper.
Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, PACs, API, REST API, REST, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, MQTT
In a recent developer survey conducted by the Eclipse IoT Working Group, IEEE IoT, and Agile IoT, 40.8% of respondents indicated that the IoT solutions they were either currently building or planning to build are IoT platforms or IoT middleware.
Almost every large IT or OT company today has some form of IoT platform or middleware.
In fact, right now there are over 150 self-described IoT platforms in the market today. Not neccessarily created equally.
Topics: Energy management, PLCs, IoT, PACs, REST, IIoT, Node-RED
This week Opto 22 is exhibiting at the Open IoT Summit in Portland, Oregon. The IoT Summit is a Linux Foundation event, packed with a ton of technology workshops and product demos.
We also exhibited at the IoT Summit last year. It’s a great chance to connect with the Linux developer community and get their perspective on things, since it’s so much different from what a typical industrial automation professional is exposed to.
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, IoT, PACs, API, REST, mobile, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, Node-RED, GPIO
OptoNews: Data from databases, online services in your groov mobile interface
New release adds Data Store device
With the new Data Store device in groov R3.3, you can put data into groov from anywhere—like a database, another device or system—and monitor or change it in your mobile operator interface.
- For example, your company’s SQL database could place production or maintenance data into a groov Data Store for managers or technicians to see in their interface.
Topics: groov, Internet of Things, Updates, IoT, optonews, API, REST API, REST, mobile, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2017-01-04
- Think about how much computers have changed in the last 30 years.
- Think about the quantity of data that enterprise data centers (EDCs) process today.
- And think about how facility management priorities have changed to meet rising energy costs.
Now imagine what needs to be done to update a 30-year-old EDC.
Topics: Energy management, Case studies, Videos, optonews, PACs, Building management, Security, REST API, RESTful server, REST, OptoNews 2016-12-14
OptoNews: New PAC REST API video - exchange data with Access database
In the last OptoNews, we showed you how an Excel® spreadsheet can exchange data with an Opto 22 SNAP PAC using the SNAP PAC controllers' RESTful API (application programming interface).
This time we'll show you how you can use the REST API with a Microsoft® Access® database.
Topics: Videos, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, PACs, Integrators, PAC Control, API, REST API, RESTful server, REST, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2016-12-14
OptoNews: New PAC REST API video - exchange data with Excel
What does the new built-in RESTful API in Opto 22 SNAP PAC S-series and R-series programmable automation controllers mean to you?
It means you can use a variety of programming languages to easily access data in the PAC.
Topics: Videos, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, PACs, PAC Control, API, REST API, RESTful server, REST, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2016-11-30
OptoNews Tip: Share SNAP PAC data with Excel or Access
Have you wanted to share I/O point or variable data from your SNAP PAC controller with a Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheet or Access® database?
- Maybe you're tracking sales in a spreadsheet and want to adjust production to match projections.
- Maybe your PAC is monitoring equipment on-time and energy usage, and you want to add that data to an equipment maintenance database.
Topics: Internet of Things, Tips, IoT, optonews, PACs, API, REST API, REST, IIoT, Industrial Internet of Things, OptoNews 2016-11-09