
Watch: Happy Anniversary Opto 22!

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 22, 2024 10:17:05 AM

Check out our fun, new video featuring our five-decade journey to see what products started it all and how far technology has come.

What's important to you in an industrial automation supplier? We often hear about reliability, innovation, and long-term support being at the top of that list. Rest assured, Opto 22's product philosophy incorporates all those ideals. 

You can feel secure in your product designs and confident in a manufacturer who is here to help support and achieve all your long-term project goals. 

Whether you’re looking for a product to take you to the next level of control and data communications, want a reliable automation system proven over many years, or just need another SSR to accompany that dusty, guaranteed-for-life one in some dark enclosure, Opto 22 is the place to come. 

This new video is a fun look back on how we got here. Please join us in celebrating 50 years of our company and product philosophy. We're glad you're along for the ride.

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Topics: Videos, Opto 22 product support, product philosophy, product design, Anniversary

Top 10 Videos of 2023

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 3, 2024 9:59:25 AM

Did you watch all of the 10 most popular videos on the Opto 22 YouTube channel in 2023?

If you're one of the over 27,000 subscribers who follow the OptoVideo channel on YouTube, you have first access to all the new video content we produce. Whether it's a new Node-RED developer video, product overview, or a technical how-to workshop, you get it all.

So what topics proved most useful (and popular) with our viewers last year? Let's review Opto 22's Top 10 Videos of 2023.

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Topics: Videos, Node-RED, groov View, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov RIO, YouTube

groov Manage: Maintenance

Posted by Ben Orchard on Sep 13, 2023 7:18:53 AM

The maintenance button on the groov Manage screen helps keep your groov device in tip-top shape.

You update your cell phone for new features and security patches, so why not your automation system as well? This blog post and video closes out our 12-part groov Manage series on the top-level groov Manage home screen options.

See what's behind the groov Manage: Maintenance button.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

groov Manage: Info & Help

Posted by Ben Orchard on Sep 5, 2023 12:04:59 PM

What's under the Info & Help button? Part 11 of the 12-part groov Manage series delves into the details.

When it comes to menu options, are you allowed to have favorites?

There is just so much cool stuff behind the "Info & Help" button for all things automation—I'm just going to start at the top and bullet point my way down the nine buttons. I could easily blog about each of the nine because of the power of each.

But you'll get a condensed summary in groov Manage: Info & Help.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov RIO, groov Manage series

groov Manage: Data Services

Posted by Ben Orchard on Aug 8, 2023 12:45:00 PM

Move data where you need it with the Data Services menu, the latest in our 12-part video series on groov Manage.

Opto 22 was an early adopter of MQTT—implementing it right out of the gate when groov EPIC was released just over 5 years ago. And did you know that back in the day, Opto 22 was not only one of the founding members of OPC, but also that version 1.0 of the OPC specification was ratified around the granite table in the Opto 22 headquarters' conference room? 

With this history in mind, you'll see why we're excited to talk about the Data Service options you'll find in groov Manage. This is where you choose the methods and protocols to move your data where you need it. Follow along with groov Manage: Data Services.

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Topics: Videos, MQTT, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov RIO, OPC UA, groov Manage series

groov Manage: I/O Status

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jul 26, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Live I/O configuration and status from a web browser? Watch the next episode of the groov Manage video series and see how it's possible.

Our groov devices are much more than just industrially hardened, cybersecure devices—they also have abundant I/O options. In the case of the groov RIO, the 10 channels provide over 200,000 I/O combinations! This flexibility is also easy to drop into the groov EPIC chassis with the MM module. So, how can you configure, wire, and commission all this?

To get a glimpse, take a look at this week's groov Manage teaser video: I/O Status.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov RIO, groov Manage series

groov Manage: Security

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jul 19, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Follow along with the 4th installment of the groov Manage video and blog series as we focus on the Security button in the groov Manage menu.

This week brings you the fourth installment of walking through the groov Manage menu options found on a groov EPIC. In case you missed it, you might want to catch up on the previous three menu options we've covered so far: Accounts, Network, and System. Now, you'll be ready to dive into the Security features.

Watch groov Manage: Security.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, cybersecurity, EPIC Security, groov Manage series

Three simple steps to a groov View HMI

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 18, 2023 10:31:01 AM

Watch this updated groov View Quick Start video to learn how simple it is to start designing and building your HMI.

With browser-based groov View, you can easily build an operator interface to see and interact with exactly what you need. groov View is included with groov EPIC and groov Server for Windows.

To help you get up and running in no time at all, we've put together a new video that takes you through 3 simple steps of setting up an HMI with groov View. This is a quick, high-level overview presentation designed to get you started and more comfortable with the tool.

Watch and learn: groov View Quick Start.

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Topics: Videos, groov server for windows, groov View, groov EPIC, HMI

groov Manage: System

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jul 12, 2023 8:02:09 AM

The 12-part video and blog series continues with a look at what's behind the System button on the groov Manage menu.

Over the past few weeks we've been taking a peek behind each of the main groov Manage menu options, both in a quick video and here in this blog. This week we are going to be jumping into the System menu.

Watch groov Manage: System.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

groov Manage: Network

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jul 5, 2023 9:11:30 AM

Learn Network configuration in the next of our new 12-part groov Manage video series.

If you've used a groov EPIC controller before, you're familiar with its 12 front-page menu buttons. But what power does each unlock? 

This 12-part groov Manage video series takes a deep dive into each home screen menu button, and our blog posts expand on the video. The simple blue menu contains a surprising amount of flexibility and granular control over the many programs and functions that each groov EPIC can run.

Last week we covered the Accounts button. Now let's move on to groov Manage: Network.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

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