
New video series: All you need to know about groov Manage

Posted by Ben Orchard on Jun 28, 2023 12:09:27 PM

See all the things you can do with groov EPIC in our new video series.

Did you know that there are 12 front-page menu buttons on groov EPIC? What power does each unlock? 

groov customers say that the simple blue menu of groov Manage is very deceiving given its power, flexibility, and granular control over the many programs and functions that each groov EPIC can run.

Today you can see the first of a new 12-part video series on the groov Manage menu. Over the next 12 weeks we'll feature 12 videos and blog some specifics of each menu option—and the power that lies beneath. Be sure to subscribe to this blog in the top right corner of this page so you'll be notified when we release the next video in the series.

Let's get started with groov Manage: Accounts.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov Manage series

Using security certificates with Opto 22 Node-RED packages

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 17, 2023 10:22:24 AM

New video shows how to access data no matter where your Node-RED server is running.

The Node-RED how-to video series continues with some tips on using certificates. Recent videos in the series covered why you should run Node-RED on groov devices, and how to install and configure Opto 22 Node-RED packages for PAC Control, groov I/O and groov View.

Now Terry Orchard is back at the demo desk to show you how to use both self-signed and Certificate Authority certificates to help move data between groov RIO and EPIC, no matter where your Node-RED server is running.

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Topics: Videos, Node-RED, groov EPIC, developer

groov View and Node-RED

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 25, 2023 12:00:00 PM

The Node-RED package video series wraps up with a closer look at groov View nodes.

If you've been following the OptoBlog, you've noticed we have a new series of Node-RED videos dedicated to explaining all the Opto 22 Node-RED packages available for your groov EPIC or RIO device. The last video in this 5-part series is now available.

Terry Orchard is back in the OptoStudio to explain groov View nodes. You'll learn about Read and Write, review how the nodes are configured, and see some examples of how they can be used.

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Topics: Videos, Node-RED, groov EPIC, developer, groov RIO

groov I/O with Node-RED

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 19, 2023 9:36:26 AM

The Opto 22 node packages for Node-RED video series continues with a focus on groov I/O nodes.

Get ready for another video that explains how and why to use the Node-RED programming tool on groov EPIC. In this new video, Terry Orchard explains the different types of groov I/O nodes, gives some examples of how to use them, and explains what makes them different from other nodes.

Before watching, you might want to review the Node-RED Package Intro and Configuration video. This  will provide some background on how the nodes were initially set up that are now being used in this latest I/O video.

Now, Terry has a flow ready to go with some examples that make it easy to follow along. Watch and learn.

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Topics: Videos, Node-RED, groov EPIC, developer, groov RIO

groov EPIC, RIO and Secure Shell (SSH)

Posted by Janice Colmer on Feb 8, 2023 8:53:20 AM

Watch the first Opto 22 developer video of 2023 as host Terry Orchard explains Secure Shell access for both groov EPIC and RIO devices.

Welcome to the first of many new developer videos you'll see in 2023! Terry Orchard returns as your host to walk you through an important programming option for groov EPIC and groov RIO devices: Secure Shell  (SSH).

If you use C/C++, Python, Java, or other languages, you can use what you already know to build custom applications and run them on the groov EPIC processor or groov RIO edge I/O module through Secure Shell access.

The SSH protocol provides a secure remote login from one computer device to another. With strong authentication options (including passwords and public key authentication), plus strong encryption protection for communication security and integrity, SSH offers secure access for both users and automated processes. 

Follow along in this 12 minute video to learn how to get a Shell license, activate, and then install it on your groov devices.

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Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, developer, secure shell, groov RIO

Top 10 Videos of 2022

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 11, 2023 8:00:00 AM

See what people were watching in 2022 on the OptoVideo YouTube channel.

The start of a new year is a good time for reflecting on what worked well the previous year. So we took a look at our OptoVideo channel on YouTube to see what videos received the most views and proved to be the most popular in 2022.

Review the new Top 10 Videos of 2022 playlist to see what you might have missed, or re-watch some valuable content. Topics range from programming with Node-RED, to unlocking the power of the edge with Ignition, to using the new OPC UA server on groov RIO.

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Topics: Videos, Node-RED, Ignition Edge, groov EPIC, YouTube

groov RIO, now with OPC UA

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 14, 2022 9:43:37 AM

The latest video in our developer series is a quick-start guide for setting up OPC UA on groov RIO.

You heard it here first a few weeks ago in the OptoBlog! groov RIO is the first universal Ethernet I/O module with an embedded OPC UA server. Now you can connect your favorite OPC UA-compatible SCADA or HMI software directly to your multi-signal, multifunction Ethernet I/O System. 

Terry Orchard shows you how simple it is. In his latest developer video, learn how to set up an OPC UA server on groov RIO to accept connections from OPC UA clients and request groov data.

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Topics: Videos, Ignition Edge, groov RIO, OPC UA

Learn the benefits of power and energy monitoring

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 26, 2022 11:43:03 AM

Better machine health, lower energy costs: see the financial and operational advantages in this new video.

Why isn't energy accounted for the same as other major business expenditures? It's time to change that. Opto 22's Director of Business Development, Arun Sinha, shows what you gain when you implement a plan to monitor and manage energy consumption and power usage.

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Topics: Energy management, Videos, groov EPIC, power monitoring, groov rio emu

Use Swagger UI to make API calls with Node-RED

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 11, 2022 9:20:23 AM

Next up in the Node-RED videos series is a tutorial about using Swagger to help set up API calls.

In under 20 minutes, this new developer video from Terry Orchard will take you through all the steps you need to get a solid understanding of using Swagger UI pages to create API calls you can bring into Node-RED. Using them together, you can control all sorts of APIs from your groov device, both getting and posting data, using simple Node-RED.

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Topics: Videos, Node-RED, groov Manage, developer

Create a data table in Node-RED

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 2, 2022 1:37:37 PM

Next up in the Node-RED developer video series is a tutorial on adding data tables.

Did you know that you can install additional gadgets to the Node-RED dashboard? Terry Orchard returns to the OptoStudio to show off the features of the ui-table node. Learn how to install the table node package and configure different kinds of tables to fit your needs, complete with several examples using live, real-world data. 


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Topics: Videos, Node-RED, groov EPIC, groov RIO

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