
groov EPIC, RIO and Secure Shell (SSH)

Posted by Janice Colmer on Feb 8, 2023 8:53:20 AM

Watch the first Opto 22 developer video of 2023 as host Terry Orchard explains Secure Shell access for both groov EPIC and RIO devices.

Welcome to the first of many new developer videos you'll see in 2023! Terry Orchard returns as your host to walk you through an important programming option for groov EPIC and groov RIO devices: Secure Shell  (SSH).

If you use C/C++, Python, Java, or other languages, you can use what you already know to build custom applications and run them on the groov EPIC processor or groov RIO edge I/O module through Secure Shell access.

The SSH protocol provides a secure remote login from one computer device to another. With strong authentication options (including passwords and public key authentication), plus strong encryption protection for communication security and integrity, SSH offers secure access for both users and automated processes. 

Follow along in this 12 minute video to learn how to get a Shell license, activate, and then install it on your groov devices.

Getting Started with groov EPIC & RIO Secure Shell (SSH)

You'll be activating the SSH server and learning how just a couple of commands can help you get a better perspective of using the SSH custom programming option.

Topics covered in the video include: 

  • purchasing a Shell license on the Opto 22 website
  • using the Manage groov portal to enter your activation key and add the license
  • creating a Shell user
  • reviewing the license agreement
  • starting the Shell server
  • connecting with an SSH client
  • using first commands
  • managing files
  • using sudo keyword root access
You'll also see real-world examples and other resources.


Thanks for watching! And keep an eye out for next week's OptoBlog news as we release a follow up video that covers Repositories and Python programming tips.


Topics: Videos, groov EPIC, developer, secure shell, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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