Here's your invitation to a comprehensive automation conference you won't want to miss, May 24-25 in Chicago, Illinois: The Automation Conference.
Topics: Process control, Discrete control, Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, Events & conferences, Security, OptoNews 2016-05-11
In response to your requests for more frequent groov releases, here you are: groov R3.1b is released!
This new version fixes issues and adds a new enhancement: if communication fails between groov and an I/O device, errors will be written to the groov message logs. This information can help you debug the cause of communication errors.
Topics: groov, Updates, optonews, OptoNews 2016-05-11
If you live just about anywhere in the U.S.A., you can probably thank California Controlled Atmosphere (CalCA) for some of the fresh fruits and vegetables you buy.
In fact, CalCA's industrial refrigeration systems for storing produce can be found throughout the world, reaching to India and China.
Topics: Energy management, Case studies, Process control, Food & beverage, Remote monitoring, optonews, OptoNews 2016-05-11
Confused about sinking and sourcing when using digital I/O in DC circuits?
Judging by the response to our past blog posts on this issue, many people are. So we've pulled together a lot of practical information and put it into a short new technical note.
Topics: Discrete control, Tips, optonews, I/O, OptoNews 2016-05-11