Are you thinking about how you could use data from some of your SNAP PACs in databases, other applications, even the Internet of Things (IoT)?
If so, you'll be pretty excited about the upcoming release of SNAP PAC firmware, R9.5.
Are you thinking about how you could use data from some of your SNAP PACs in databases, other applications, even the Internet of Things (IoT)?
If so, you'll be pretty excited about the upcoming release of SNAP PAC firmware, R9.5.
Topics: Process control, Discrete control, Internet of Things, Updates, Remote monitoring, IoT, optonews, PACs, Firmware, Security, OptoNews 2016-06-22
Coming soon: PAC Project R9.5000, with many new features you've requested plus support for new I/O modules. Here's a sneak preview of what's inside.
Just a few of the highlights...
Topics: Updates, optonews, PACs, Migration, PAC Project, Optomux, OptoNews 2016-06-22
How do you control coatings on a device the width of a human hair?
In today's world, ultra-tiny micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) provide key capabilities in phones, cars, drones, and medical sensors, just to name a few places.
Topics: Case studies, Process control, Electronics, Machine builder, optonews, PACs, OEM, Integrators, OptoNews 2016-06-22
Sometimes a customer calls asking if we can help them recover their unarchived PAC Control strategy from an Opto 22 controller, or recover a PAC Display project.
The answer in both cases is no.
Topics: Tips, optonews, PACs, PAC Project, OptoNews 2016-06-22
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