
Watch: Happy Anniversary Opto 22!

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 22, 2024 10:17:05 AM

Check out our fun, new video featuring our five-decade journey to see what products started it all and how far technology has come.

What's important to you in an industrial automation supplier? We often hear about reliability, innovation, and long-term support being at the top of that list. Rest assured, Opto 22's product philosophy incorporates all those ideals. 

You can feel secure in your product designs and confident in a manufacturer who is here to help support and achieve all your long-term project goals. 

Whether you’re looking for a product to take you to the next level of control and data communications, want a reliable automation system proven over many years, or just need another SSR to accompany that dusty, guaranteed-for-life one in some dark enclosure, Opto 22 is the place to come. 

This new video is a fun look back on how we got here. Please join us in celebrating 50 years of our company and product philosophy. We're glad you're along for the ride.

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Topics: Videos, Opto 22 product support, product philosophy, product design, Anniversary

Long-term support for SNAP PAC systems

Posted by Dan White on Feb 27, 2024 10:53:39 AM

You can feel secure in your SNAP PAC product designs.

In the ever-evolving industrial automation industry, it's crucial to have a solid foundation you can rely on. For many of you, that foundation has been built on our SNAP PAC systems, and you’ve grown accustomed to the reliability these systems provide your automation projects. We understand the importance of SNAP PAC in your operations, and we're here to reassure you: your trust in Opto 22 SNAP PAC controllers and I/O modules is well placed, now and into the future.

At Opto 22, we know that designs and projects that incorporate SNAP PAC are more than just configurations of hardware and software; they are the lifeblood of your operations, which is why we are committed to ensuring that you can feel secure in your designs for the long haul. 

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Topics: snap pac, Opto 22 product support, product design

Design your groov systems online

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 13, 2022 9:33:00 AM

Take advantage of the groov EPIC Configurator and groov RIO Explorer tools on the Opto 22 website.

If you're considering the groov EPIC edge controller or groov RIO edge I/O modules for your projects, check out the online tools on our website that help you design these systems. You'll be able to view all the components that make up the system and select the ones you need for your specific application. 

In the interactive groov EPIC Configurator, you click and choose components like processors, power supplies, I/O modules, and signals, so you can start building your system online.

In the groov RIO Explorer, you can select each of the software-configurable I/O channels to see all the various I/O signals types available, so you can determine if groov RIO is right for your remote I/O needs.

You can even send your selections to Opto 22 application engineers for review. They can review your design with you to make sure you're meeting all the requirements for your project. Does this sound like a helpful resource you'd like to learn more about?
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Topics: groov EPIC, groov RIO, interactive demo, product design

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