
Using security certificates with Opto 22 Node-RED packages

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 17, 2023 10:22:24 AM

New video shows how to access data no matter where your Node-RED server is running.

The Node-RED how-to video series continues with some tips on using certificates. Recent videos in the series covered why you should run Node-RED on groov devices, and how to install and configure Opto 22 Node-RED packages for PAC Control, groov I/O and groov View.

Now Terry Orchard is back at the demo desk to show you how to use both self-signed and Certificate Authority certificates to help move data between groov RIO and EPIC, no matter where your Node-RED server is running.

Opto 22 Node-RED Packages: Using Certificates

You'll find the content in this video especially useful when you need to access your groov data and the Node-RED server is not running locally on your device.

Terry starts by getting groov RIO data over to his groov EPIC. You'll be guided through the groov Manage menu and see where the Security options and Certificate Trust Store is located. You'll also learn how to use the Open SSL tool for converting certificate file types, how to download a public certificate, and even how to resolve a common Node-RED error on a Windows PC.

The final result will show you both groov EPIC and RIO devices' Node-RED data running on a Windows PC.

Remember to join the discussions on the OptoForums to ask or answer more Node-RED questions, and get programming tips while you're there.

Thanks for watching!

Topics: Videos, Node-RED, groov EPIC, developer

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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