
OptoPartner Video - Indoor Grow Systems by Microclimates

Posted by Arun Sinha on Feb 17, 2021 1:00:00 PM

groov RIO provides a scalable automation architecture for their customers

Our next OptoPartner video installment is very unique in that it includes a live demo. Microclimates CTO and Co-Founder Loren West explains how more agriculture is “coming indoors”, as it allows growers more control over the food they produce. Automation plays a key role in this expanding business segment. The Microclimates control system is based around a software core that is delivered on Opto 22’s groov RIO, a platform that fits nicely into IIoT applications requiring simple data exchange between software or cloud applications and field I/O.

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Topics: Remote monitoring, Building management, IIoT, data visualization, industrial automation, OptoPartner, Edge I/O, OptoPartner video

OptoPartner Video from ACC

Posted by Arun Sinha on Feb 11, 2021 11:00:00 AM

Automated Control Concepts says every project is crafted to deliver some clear business benefit

In his new book, “The Economics of Data, Analytics and Digital Transformation”, Data Scientist Bill Schmarzo proposes an interesting theory. He writes, “If organizations want to cross the Analytics Chasm phase to become more predictive and prescriptive in their business operations, then they need to embrace an economics mindset, not a technology mindset.” This suggests to me that perhaps more important than the much talked about OT and IT gap, might be a gap that exists between these departments and the financial stakeholders in an organization.

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Topics: industrial automation, system integrator, OptoPartner, digital transformation, OptoPartner video

Latest OptoPartner Video - Advanced Control Solutions

Posted by Arun Sinha on Jan 18, 2021 7:00:00 AM

ACS helps customers gain a competitive advantage in their market through efficient and creative use of factory automation technology.

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Topics: Process control, Discrete control, IIoT, groov EPIC, industrial automation, system integrator, OptoPartner video

Hear From Our OptoPartners!

Posted by Arun Sinha on Dec 29, 2020 12:47:59 PM

Opto 22 system integrators tell their stories in new videos

Many of us are aware of the important role automation system integrators play in the industrial sector. Companies and organizations of all types often look to an outside firm to help design, install or commission their automation projects. Some system integrators are generalists while others have domain knowledge of specific verticals, but ultimately they help combine different devices and machines into an integrated, efficient system. 

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Topics: groov EPIC, industrial automation, Ignition, OptoPartner, groov RIO, Inductive Automation, OptoPartner video

Opto 22 Product Philosophy: What it means to you

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jun 19, 2020 8:00:00 AM

Learn how Opto 22's product timeline, design decisions, and legacy support can give you a competitive edge.

As an industrial automation professional, what's important to you in a supplier? Whether you're specifying parts for a new project, upgrading a current design, or considering a complete rebuild, how do you decide who to buy from?

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Topics: industrial automation, Opto 22 product support, product philosophy

Recognize your trusted automation suppliers

Posted by Janice Colmer on Aug 12, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Last chance to get your votes in for the annual Automation World Leadership in Automation survey.

Every year as part of their Leadership in Automation program, Automation World magazine asks its readers—that's youto choose their go-to suppliers. These are the automation equipment manufacturers that automation engineers trust the most. 

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Topics: IIoT, Automation World, industrial automation

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