
Building a Unified Namespace with MQTT Sparkplug

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 15, 2023 8:22:10 AM

Did you miss last week's HiveMQ online workshop? You can still follow along with the live demo in this recording.

The power of MQTT technology is on display in a recent webinar that highlights the manufacturing sector and how the plant floor can be digitally transformed.

You'll learn the key components to getting the data you need from your manufacturing equipment in this demo hosted by HiveMQ's Kudzai Manditereza, which brings together Opto 22, Spruik, and N3uron.

Learn the power and benefits of building a Unified Namespace using MQTT Sparkplug.

Then witness firsthand how integrating network participants, such as an MQTT Sparkplug Edge of Network Node from Opto 22, an MQTT Sparkplug Application from N3uron, an MQTT Sparkplug Host in the form of Ignition SCADA/IIoT platform, and a HiveMQ MQTT broker as the central hub, can revolutionize your manufacturing digital transformation strategy and help you move to become a data-driven organization.

How to Achieve Data-Driven Manufacturing


Or jump ahead to the section of the demo that interests you most: 

00:00:00 – Introduction

00:17:00 – What is Unified Namespace and why implement it?

00:21:01 – Demo Architecture

00:23:52 – N3uron application for building UNS

00:27:29 – Opto 22 groov EPIC system architecture

00:29:30 – Demo of building a UNS with HiveMQ Cloud MQTT Broker

01:36:51 – Q&A

More questions about MQTT and manufacturing? Contact us today.

Thanks for watching!

Topics: Webinars, MQTT, groov EPIC, Sparkplug, manufacturing

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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