
How to Enable Operational Resilience: New Webinar

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 22, 2023 8:32:49 AM

Can you maintain your business in the face of supply chain challenges and ransomware attacks? Join us for a resilience webinar.

You know it’s critical for manufacturers to be able to maintain business continuity in the face of operational challenges like these. When working with today's cloud and edge computing technologies, operational resilience is vital.

Join us as Opto 22’s Rene Gamero and tech partner 4IR Solutions CTO Joe Dolivo discuss this important topic in a new webinar presentation live streaming on March 30.

In this joint webinar, Joe and Rene will discuss common obstacles to achieving operational resilience and provide a live solution demo featuring FactoryStack and groov EPIC that demonstrates overcoming security, connectivity, and reliability challenges.

info.4ir.cloudhubfsOpto 22 Operational Resilience Webinar Cover (Small)-1

You might recall that Rene was a previous guest on the 4IR Heads in the Cloud podcast, discussing several topics related to digital transformation with 4IR CEO James Burnand. Rene returns for this latest webinar.

See how you can improve operational resilience using the 4IR Solutions FactoryStack hybrid cloud platform along with Opto 22's groov EPIC. Register to join us 

Webinar: How to Enable Operational Resilience
Thursday, March 30, 2023
12:00 Noon, Pacific Time


Topics: Webinars, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, OptoPartner, edge computing, cloud computing

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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