
Building Operations Simplified

Posted by Janice Colmer on May 4, 2023 1:41:29 PM

Meet new OptoPartner True Data Ops—dedicated to continuous equipment monitoring with the help of groov RIO.

We are pleased to announce another new member joining the OptoPartner program this month: True Data Ops—providing IoT solutions for predictive maintenance, asset management, energy monitoring, and more.

TDO took an immediate interest in the groov RIO product line to help them deliver the data access you need to make important financial and operational decisions.

Read about their application experience and signature projects.


True Data Ops (TDO) provides comprehensive yet simplified solutions to the daily tasks of building operations. They help you avoid problems or emergencies by continuously monitoring your equipment. When an unavoidable problem happens, TDO responds quickly, while you maintain control of the repair process.

Their solution integrates IoT Sensors (100+), BAS/BMS, CMMS, asset management, and their analytics engine, TDO-Vision. 

One of their most recent projects using groov RIO involved breathing new life into a series of older assets from the 1960s. By using new technology like groov RIO along with TDO’s solution, they were able to generate custom alerting and monitoring where and when it's most critical. The solution notifies appropriate personnel (staff, facility, vendors) via personalized voice and SMS messaging.

One of the key points that made groov RIO an integral part of the solution was its built-in security features. Keeping your data safe takes top priority, and their work earned them the Opto 22 IoT Certified Partner seal of approval.


Although based in the eastern United States, TDO is ready to deploy their technology world wide. Learn more by visiting the True Data Ops OptoPartner page.

What does IoT Certified mean?

OptoPartners who are IoT Certified understand both Operational Technology (OT) and Information Technology (IT) systems.

OT systems include things like sensors, instrumentation, automation, machines, and processes.
IT systems can include network infrastructure, computers, software, databases, and edge or cloud platforms.

See our complete listing of OptoPartners with the IoT certification.


Topics: IIoT, OptoPartner, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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