
Case Study: Reduce Pump Management Time by up to 90%

Posted by Janice Colmer on Nov 15, 2022 1:52:06 PM

Cost-effective automation and internet of things technologies save time and yield better control.

California-based Azcal Management farms a wide variety of crops in drought-prone conditions. Managing water use and monitoring pumps is crucial for their operations to succeed and means walking a fine line between providing just enough water, but not too little.

Azcal farm managers made the decision to automate their manual processes to keep up with demand and avoid costly breakdowns, repairs, or damaged crops. Finding a system integrator in the agriculture field market was challenging, but after meeting with John WIlliamson of Farm Data Systems (FDS), they realized the new edge technology that FDS offered could bring their farming operations into the internet of things.

It was time for an end-to-end field monitoring and automation solution for crop irrigation management.


In this latest Opto 22 case study, see how groov EPIC controllers and groov RIO edge I/O, along with Ignition software, reduced irrigation management time and improved outcomes. Monitoring and control that used to take six hours a day now takes just minutes. 

The case study covers: 

  • the cost benefits of using a combination of EPIC and RIO solutions at each pump site
  • security features of the new control system
  • details of the Ignition project software that make adding new projects and additional features a breeze
  • the mobile monitoring and alerts put in place that allow Azcal to work at top efficiency



Read the complete case study on the Opto 22 website or download a PDF copy.

You can visit our groov Case Study library for more application success stories featuring groov EPIC and groov RIO. 

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Topics: Case studies, groov EPIC, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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