
Cybersecurity on the Edge

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 19, 2022 1:00:00 PM

A discussion with Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse about edge devices and cybersecurity

Industry 4.0 and edge computing concepts are becoming more commonplace in a variety of industries. Data democratization is key for companies taking on their digital transformations. But along with these advancements come extra security risks. 

How can you address cybersecurity threats for these devices on the edge of your networks? We have some thoughts on that, and Josh Eastburn shared some insights when he recently sat down with Gary Cohen, senior editor at Industrial Cybersecurity Pulse.

As part of the ICS Pulse Expert Interview series, this discussion covers: 

  • The current state of industrial control security
  • Definition of industrial edge devices
  • OT vs. IT mindset and how edge devices can help bridge that gap
  • Edge devices and their effect on cybersecurity


Watch the interview or read the complete article here.

And stay tuned for Part 2 of this conversation, which will be available next week. 

Make sure you're an OptoBlog subscriber so you don't miss it! Josh will be talking about edge communications and reducing network complexity.


Topics: IIoT, cybersecurity, edge computing, Expert Interview series

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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