If you ship Opto 22 products (or products containing Opto 22 parts) to countries within the European Union, you need to know about our changes to the Declarations of Conformity required for shipments.
We've recently heard about possible problems with shipments of industrial hardware to the European Union. EU Customs officials are more stringently enforcing requirements for Declarations of Conformity (DoCs) documents on these shipments.
To prevent delays in Customs, we recommend you use the new CE DoCs we have created for shipments to EU countries.
To get a product’s DoC:
1. On the Opto 22 website, go to the product's webpage.
2. Click the Documents tab.
3. Scroll down until you find the Declaration of Conformity. Click its name and download it.
For example, if you are shipping SNAP-PAC-R2 controllers, go to our website and search on the part number to find the SNAP-PAC-R2 product page. On this page, click the Documents tab and find the Declaration of Conformity (you may have to scroll down quite a bit). For the R2, it is form 2274; for other part numbers, the form number may be different.
IMPORTANT: If you have multiple products in the shipment, you may need more than one DoC. Follow the steps above for each part number.
There are several versions of the form due to various combinations of products and EU regulations. Each version of the form has a different form number.
Here's an example of steps to find the DoC:Note that you no longer go to the Agency Approvals webpage to get EU (CE) declaration documents. The Agency Approvals page now shows approval and compliance documents for all agencies except CE.
If you have any questions on finding or using CE Declarations of Conformity, please contact Documentation@Opto22.com.