
Get Your Online Training Certificate of Completion

Posted by Norma Rodriguez on Sep 16, 2024 12:57:37 PM

Complete the groov EPIC online courses, get your certificate, and post it to LinkedIn.

Knowledge is power, and learning more about how to use groov EPIC edge controllers for your applications is FREE at training.opto22.com. Once you’ve completed all of the courses, you can get your groov EPIC Online Training Certificate of Completion. If you'd like, you can easily post your certificate to your LinkedIn profile.

Work at your own pace as you go through the online exercises and quizzes. Most of the lessons are based on the hands-on material in the groov EPIC training course taught at Opto 22. 

Follow these simple steps to earn your certificate.

Visit OptoU, Opto 22’s online training site. Log in and click the groov EPIC series.

If you haven’t been to online training, then start from the beginning with the Setting Up the groov EPIC Hardware lesson.


If you’ve started online training but aren’t sure what you need to finish, look for the groov EPIC Online Training Certificate of Completion course that appears towards the bottom.


Click the course, and then Start Now.


Courses you need to finish are listed and have links to take you to them.


Once you’re done with all remaining lessons, return to the Certificate of Completion course, and click Start Now to get your certificate. 

From the lesson, follow the instructions to view your certificate and post it to your LinkedIn profile.


That’s all there is to it!

Having trouble? Contact training@opto22.com.

Interested in in-person training at Opto 22? Check out the class schedule and reserve your seat. Here’s a glimpse of what you can expect.



Topics: Training, groov EPIC, certificate, OptoU, groov RIO

Written by Norma Rodriguez

Norma is the Director of Training and has enjoyed helping customers solve their problems or learn about Opto 22 products for over 30 years. She enjoys exercising, gardening, and reading.

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