
Join the OptoForums community

Posted by Janice Colmer on Feb 7, 2024 12:04:08 PM

Get great resources and tips from experienced Opto 22 product users—and help other users with your insights.

You’ll see the OptoForums mentioned here on the blog from time to time, and that's for good reason. The Forums have valuable technical advice, sample code, product feature discussions, and firmware release previews that you can't get anywhere else.

The OptoForums community just surpassed 10,000 members! A sincere thank you to all our valuable contributors. And if you're not already a member, now is the time to sign up or sign in with your MyOpto account. You can find the direct link under the Community tab on our website.



Senior Applications Engineer and OptoForums moderator, Ben Orchard, explained it best in his latest blog

"Only a very small number of industrial automation manufacturers run their own public forums. Some community-supported efforts have sprung up to backfill the need for a place where like-minded folks can gather, but there is something special about having a place that is, well, for lack of a better term, 'factory supported.'" 

Here at Opto 22, we're proud to be in that category of manufacturers who host and invite their customers to a community forum. Signing up on the OptoForums gives you access to:

  • a platform to ask your product-specific or application-specific questions
  • an opportunity to answer questions from other Opto users
  • developer resources and guides
  • code samples and tips
  • previews of groov EPIC and RIO firmware releases
  • detailed explanations of new product features
  • communication directly with Opto engineers on current product feedback or future feature requests
  • a way to build community and peer relations in the industrial automation space

As we look back on some statistics from last year, we're encouraged to see the need for this manufacturer-supported community. With nearly 250,000 page views, 638 "like button" clicks, and more than one new post a day in 2023, we're looking forward to seeing the contributions and valuable advice this group of Opto experts bring in 2024.


It's easy to sign up. Take a minute to log in now and see what you might've missed this past month. You'll be able to search topics in the following categories:

And you can follow Opto 22 on all our social media channels as well, where we share a weekly #FridayForum post which highlights the week's most popular discussion thread. Follow us on: 

We hope to hear from you soon on a Forum thread or social post. We always appreciate your contributions!

Topics: groov EPIC, groov RIO, OptoForum

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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