
Lethbridge College Gains Flexible Automation System for Research Requirements

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 11, 2023 9:00:00 AM

New case study featuring groov RIO demonstrates how OptoPartner Microclimates helped provide a secure system for the Aquaculture Centre of Excellence.

The groov case study library continues to expand with its latest application story that shows how groov products play an important role in education.

The Aquaculture Centre of Excellence at Lethbridge College mimics conditions in large commercial aquaponics facilities, but for research purposes, they needed a highly flexible automation system. Research parameters change frequently to test a variety of system elements, and most automation systems don't allow frequent adjustments. 

This case study shows how Microclimates software running on groov RIO industrial I/O modules gave researchers the secure, flexible system they required. 


Read the complete case study to learn:

  • Why a flexible automation requirement led to groov RIO
  • What technologies were possible with RIO, including Linux OS via secure shell access (SSH)
  • How Microclimates was able to receive cybersecurity approval from the college's IT department who maintain strict security standards



Do you have an application story you'd like to share? Learn about the Opto 22 case study program.


Topics: Case studies, ssh, OptoPartner, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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