
Meet more OptoPartners

Posted by Janice Colmer on Apr 25, 2022 8:00:00 AM

Introducing the latest system integrators to join the OptoPartner program

The newest members of the OptoPartner program come from all around the world. Take a look at the descriptions below and see if one might be a fit for your next project.

Our engineers have verified the projects these new partners have been involved in, so you can be assured they have proven their engineering expertise and in-depth understanding of Opto 22 hardware (including groov EPIC) and software.



NextGen Industries LLC - Colorado, U.S.A.

NextGen Industries, LLC is a privately held company specializing in the digitalization of today's oil field. NXG provides solutions and support for the toughest problems companies face when implementing advanced technology into well completions and production optimization.

NextGen was founded in June of 2018 to provide quality automation, measurement, and electrical services to various industries across the country including Oil & Gas, Water & Wastewater, Agriculture, and Food & Beverage. Our focus is on providing top-of-the-line customer service and technical knowledge allowing us to push the boundaries of conventional automation. Learn more.



Procetradi - Peru

Procetradi specializes in implementing automation solutions with more than 24 years of combined experience, providing automation solutions at all levels in the electrical, mining, industrial, and water and sanitation sectors.

We maintain close, lasting ties that allow us to collaborate with our allies and connect deeply with our clients. We function separately, but together we transcend.

We are specialists in the management of critical processes, offering flexible and innovative responses that provide valuable solutions. With an innovative perspective, we adapt world-class technology to the local reality of our clients, making it possible to control their processes in a reliable and efficient way, achieving operational excellence for their company.

(Does their name sound familiar? You might recall watching their series of Spanish webinars, previously featured in the OptoBlog.)

Truewatts Logo

Truewatts Co., Ltd. - Thailand

Truewatts is established by specialists and professional engineers who have extensive experience in energy and power quality circles for several years. Our identity is an expert engineering consulting company providing a wide range of services in energy and power quality disciplines.

Nowadays, Thailand is moving into the age of Thailand 4.0. With our persistent ambition, we strive to be a key firm in applying modern technologies to develop energy and power quality management systems that meet our customers’ requirements and enhance their growth in the digital era. Learn more.

You can find a complete list of all OptoPartners on our website. Check this list to see partners who have videos with their profiles, and those who have received Opto 22 IoT certification.

SIs, sound like something you want to be a part of?

Opto 22's network of system integrators includes both international and North American businesses. Here's why you should consider being part of our network:

  • Gain the marketing advantage of being an official Opto 22 solutions provider.
  • Profile your company on our website as an OptoPartner, so customers can find you by name, geographic area, and specialties you provide.
  • Be eligible to receive leads specific to your industry, markets, products, and skills.

And you have the option of making an OptoPartner video. These recorded presentations on our website are a great opportunity for Opto 22 users to get to know each partner better and gain insight into their project experience and expertise. If you haven't watched yet, check out the popular OptoPartner video series showcased here on the OptoBlog. 

For more information or to request to join the OptoPartner program, email optopartner@opto22.com.


Topics: Integrators, IIoT, OptoPartner

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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