
MQTT is the key: how to securely access your OT network data

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jul 7, 2021 10:00:46 AM

Our recent webinar with Cirrus Link Solutions is now available on-demand with an in-depth overview of edge device security using the MQTT with Sparkplug B protocol.

We hope you were able to join us last week for another webinar that took a deep dive into the world of cybersecurity in industrial automation. The webinar recording is now available for those who might have missed those impressive product demos and discussions of how to solve your data security concerns.

Watch: How to Solve Secure Operational Data Integrity and Availability with MQTT.

Hosted by Opto 22 tech partner, Cirrus Link Solutions, the presentation includes a panel of speakers with different insights on today's cybersecurity questions. Arlen Nipper (co-inventor of MQTT and CTO of Cirrus Link) led the discussion with input from Cirrus Link's Nathan Davenport and Kurt Hochanadel. You'll get a better understanding of the MQTT architecture model and what the current market drivers are that influence demand for OT network data.

Allen Ray, representing the Ignition Cross Industry Collective, also shares his perspective as an end user and what problem his team has been trying to solve in the oil and gas industry. You'll understand why MQTT, groov EPIC and groov RIO technology have become part of the solution. Finally, Opto 22's Benson Hougland will wrap up the webinar with a live product demo putting all the concepts into play. You'll see how to interact with remote devices quickly and securely.

How to Solve Secure Operational Data Integrity and Availability with MQTT

Thanks again to Arlen and the team at Cirrus Link Solutions for including us on these important discussions. And thank you for watching!


Topics: Webinars, MQTT, groov EPIC, cybersecurity, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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