
On-demand Webinar: Introduction to MQTT Sparkplug with HiveMQ & Opto 22

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 29, 2021 10:13:24 AM

Couldn't get into our HiveMQ webinar? You can still try out the live demo for yourself! Just follow along with this recording.

Integrating and sharing data between different systems and services is a key challenge to IIoT applications. Many IIoT architectures become a complex set of integration "spaghetti," as  Dominik Obermaier, CTO and co-founder of HiveMQ, explains. Even with MQTT as the hub of an IIoT system, true interoperability can be difficult to achieve.

We are always looking for ways to help you solve that challenge and build your own robust IIoT systems, so we teamed up with HiveMQ to present an Introduction to MQTT Sparkplug - Plug 'n Play Interoperability for IIoT.

Now available for on-demand viewing, this webcast introduces key concepts of MQTT Sparkplug and shows how it promotes simplified IIoT architectures. In it, we show off our own globe-spanning IIoT system built with groov RIO, HiveMQ Cloud MQTT broker, an InfluxDB time-series database, and a Grafana dashboard. Stick around to the end, and you can even try sending data to the groov RIO module yourself!

You'll also get answers to these questions:

  • How does MQTT break down data silos?
  • How does Sparkplug B promote interoperability?
  • What are the components of an MQTT and Sparkplug B architecture?
  • How does the HiveMQ compare to other MQTT brokers?
  • How can I quickly publish live sensor data via MQTT/Sparkplug B?

Thanks for watching!

More questions on MQTT? Don't forget to check out our MQTT Resources page


Topics: Webinars, MQTT, Sparkplug, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for more than 16 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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