Celebrate the New Year with a blast!
And then keep on using your Raspberry Pi for industrial I/O prototyping and projects. All you need is your Pi and power supply, plus our Digital Industrial I/O Starter Kit for Raspberry Pi. Just $99 (shipping included in the U.S.A.)—a $215 value.

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The Starter Kit includes everything you need to get started sensing and sourcing real-world electrical equipment like pumps and motors (and a confetti cannon).
The Digital Industrial I/O for Raspberry Starter Kit includes all of these:
- OPTO-P1-40P - Digital I/O Carrier Board for Raspberry Pi, including Pi mounting hardware
- G4PB8H - G4 8-channel Mounting Rack with Header Connector
- G4IDC5MA - G4 DC Input 10-32 VDC, 5 VDC Logic with Manual/Auto Switch
- G4OAC5 - G4 AC Output 12-140 VAC, 5 VDC Logic
- G4IAC5 - G4 AC Input 90-140 VAC/VDC, 5 VDC Logic
- G4ODC5 - G4 DC Output 5-60 VDC, 5 VDC Logic
The Starter Kit is compatible with any model Raspberry Pi that offers the 40-pin GPIO header connector, including Raspberry Pi 1 Models A+ and B+, Pi 2 Model B, Pi 3 Model B, and Pi Zero.
And you get room to expand. Add up to 4 more G4 I/O modules from the extensive list of compatible G4 inputs and outputs.