
OptoNews: Monitor Modbus RTU devices from your phone

Posted by Jean Femia on Sep 23, 2015 5:23:00 PM

Video: groov your Modbus RTUYou've heard us talk about how you can monitor and control your Modbus/TCP devices from a groov mobile operator interface on your tablet or smartphone.

But what if your Modbus device uses a serial link? 

In this new video, Opto 22 Senior Applications Engineer Kyle Orman shows you how to groov your Modbus RTU devices.

You'll need a simple protocol gateway to translate protocols, in this case Modbus serial to Modbus/TCP. The one we've used here is the flexible FieldServer QuickServer.

Other gateways are available as well, but the QuickServer handles translation not just for Modbus but also for a number of protocols, including BACNet, which is used extensively in building management systems. 

Watch the video

Topics: Energy management, Videos, groov, Remote monitoring, optonews, Integrators, Building management, OptoNews 2015-09-23

Written by Jean Femia

Jean Femia writes about technical subjects and has focused on automation and control systems for more than 15 years. She likes learning about technology and taking corners in her Honda S2000.
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