In automation, proportional integral derivative (PID) control loops are common, useful, and tricky to get right.
Each loop is different and each requires individual tuning for maximum effectiveness.
Now here's a new tool to help you tune your PID control loops: our online PID Control Loop Tuner.
Together with our new Tuning a PID Control Loop Technical Note, the online tuner helps you understand PID loops and get very close to functional tuning much faster.
Using a graphical image, you enter specific values for your loop. The online tuner automatically calculates P, I, and D values for tuning and suggests an appropriate scan rate.
The online tuner uses the Ziegler-Nichols Reaction Curve (Open-Loop) method, which is well suited to control loops where the process response time is about twice the loop dead time. For example, it works well in most temperature and some pressure processes. (It's not as useful on slower flow or very dynamic processes, or loops with a very long dead time.)
Try it out and let us know if it's helpful.
- Read the Tuning a PID Control Loop Technical Note.
- Try the online PID Control Loop Tuner.