
OptoNews Tip: What's a RESTful API and why does it matter?

Posted by Jean Femia on Aug 17, 2016 4:28:26 PM

Opto 22 rack-mounted SNAP PAC controller with a RESTful APIWith the release of firmware R9.5a, Opto 22's rack-mounted and standalone SNAP PAC industrial controllers include a built-in RESTful API. 

But what does that mean? What can you do with a RESTful API, and how does it fit into that Internet of Things (IoT) idea you've thought about?

Here's a page of resources on REST and the IoT that should help answer some of your questions.

  • See the kinds of applications a RESTful API makes possible
  • Learn from industry sources
  • Get your questions answered
  • Read more about the IoT

See the resources page

Topics: Internet of Things, IoT, optonews, PACs, REST API, OptoNews 2016-08-17

Written by Jean Femia

Jean Femia writes about technical subjects and has focused on automation and control systems for more than 15 years. She likes learning about technology and taking corners in her Honda S2000.
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