
OptoPartner program going strong

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 22, 2020 1:48:30 PM

Welcome two more integration companies with groov EPIC and RIO expertise to the OptoPartner program.

It's always exciting to see how Opto 22 products are used in field applications and our growing list of OptoPartners gives customers even more options for finding their ideal product solution. OptoPartners are experienced and skilled in using our industrial control products and are qualified to help with integrating, installing, and maintaining Opto 22 systems.

Several of our partners have also demonstrated technical expertise in industrial internet of things (IIoT) projects. After receiving approval from our team of Opto engineers, these companies receive our IoT Certification. IoT Certified OptoPartners have proven combined skills and experience in both Information Technology (IT) and automation Operations Technology (OT).

We always ask our partners to introduce themselves, and here is what our two newest members had to say:

Automated Control Concepts, Inc.

Automated Control ConceptsACC helps manufacturing and utility companies deploy proven information and automation technology to drive operational improvements. We believe in crafting every project to achieve business results; for example it is typical that our customers are seeking to improve plant performance, quality, traceability, or expand their production capacity.

Our mission statement reflects our values – to develop long-term relationships with our customers, employees, and business partners. Relationships are built on trust and meeting commitments.  At ACC, we strive to develop relationships with our customers by achieving the functional, quality, and schedule needs of every project.  We retain our employees by promoting from within and challenging them appropriately based on their skills and experience.

Finally, we treat our partners (i.e. Opto 22) how we would want to be treated.

Learn more about ACC's signature projects and application experience.


JP Plus

JP PlusWe are a Control Systems Integration company. We do everything on the control system side of the project, including design, panel build, software programming, install, test, training, and support. We support our customers, and their systems, on site or via remote support with a rapid response team. 

JP Plus has completed several successful groov EPIC projects:

  • groov EPIC with 3rd Party Wireless Sensors using mesh technology (use of  Node-RED, MQTT, & groov View) 
  • Clean room environments using groov EPIC
  • System upgrades from Mystic to groov EPIC

See JP Plus's OptoPartner profile for more information.


We're glad to have these skilled integrators on-board and hope you'll be working with them in the near future!

See our complete listing of OptoPartners and find one in your area to help you get started with your next project or system upgrade.

Interested in joining the OptoPartner program? Get more details or send your inquiry to optopartner@opto22.com.


Topics: Integrators, groov EPIC, groov Manage, system integrator, OptoPartner, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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