
Power monitoring is your gateway to operational efficiency

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 26, 2024 12:00:27 PM

Watch a recording of this month's IntegrateLive! Workshop and learn how to quickly start monitoring energy for meaningful insights.

Did you miss episode 16 of IntegrateLive! last week? No problem—the recording is now available to catch up on what you missed or to view it again. Benson Hougland and Ben Orchard from Opto 22, along with Alex Marcy from Corso Systems, join IL hosts Jeff Knepper and Allen Ray for an 80-minute session devoted to power monitoring.

Whether you are trying to enhance your sustainability profile, reduce operational costs, or empower your maintenance team with actionable insights, this workshop provides the knowledge and tools you need to get started.

Watch: Not Just Green - Power monitoring is your gateway to operational efficiency

Discover how tracking power consumption isn't just about being green; it's a strategic move to slash peak demand electricity charges significantly. By identifying when and where energy use spikes, you can implement strategies to smooth out consumption, potentially saving substantial amounts on your utility bills.

But there's more beneath the surface. The often-overlooked metric power factor holds critical insights into the health and efficiency of your electrical systems. By monitoring your equipment's power factor, your maintenance team can preemptively address issues, enhance system reliability, and extend the lifespan of your equipment, thereby avoiding costly downtimes and repairs.

The Opto team also demonstrates the groov RIO EMU, a game-changing plug-and-play solution that effortlessly connects to your equipment and provides a ready-to-deploy data model. The groov RIO EMU makes comprehensive power data readily accessible via OPC servers or MQTT brokers, paving the way for in-depth analysis and informed decision-making.

Ben and Benson are doing this live build with actual data from Opto 22 factory machines and equipment. 

You'll also hear about an Ignition resource developed by Corso Systems that is free to download from the Ignition Exchange. This resource leverages the robust capabilities of UDTs (user-defined types) and Perspective templates. It offers a simple, pre-configured way to leverage Inductive Automation's Ignition SCADA solution, reducing time to value and unlocking new possibilities for system integration and automation.

Lots of valuable information is shared in this workshop, so be sure to tune in

If you have more questions about how to start monitoring energy in your facility, we're here to help. Contact our pre-sales engineering team for assistance.

Topics: Webinars, power monitoring, groov rio emu, IntegrateLive!, energy monitoring

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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