Get an up-to-date overview of the groov EPIC system in only two minutes with this new video.
Since its release in 2018, groov EPIC has continued to evolve, with new features that make it an even stronger choice for your IIoT and automation applications.
As an edge programmable industrial controller, groov EPIC is much more than a PLC or a PAC. We designed it from the ground up as both a reliable real-time industrial controller and a processor to collect, process, display, and exchange data.
groov EPIC talks directly to field devices, other control systems, databases, cloud services, and a lot more, reducing complexity, security, and cost in modern industrial control and communications.
If you are trying to convey these concepts to others on your engineering team, this updated EPIC video is a great place to start!
Take 2 minutes and watch how EPIC really is the future of automation.
For more information, check out the complete groov EPIC video series on our website. You'll find playlists for groov EPIC hardware, software, webinars and more.
And our pre-sales engineers are available to answer all your EPIC questions. Let us help you design a system that solves your current challenges. Contact us today or drop us a line in the OptoChat. We're here to help.
Keep calm and groov on!