
New guide to using MQTT/Sparkplug B

Posted by Janice Colmer on Oct 13, 2020 1:56:42 PM

Waiting to dip your toe into the MQTT pool? Jump into this new user guide, and get started with MQTT and Sparkplug B on your Opto 22 groov products.

If you're already an OptoBlog subscriber, chances are you've become familiar with the MQTT protocol. We understand it can be a little daunting to take the leap into a new approach, though, so we expanded and revised our popular four-part MQTT blog series to create a complete guidebook for lightning fast MQTT publication on Opto 22's groov EPIC and RIO.

With this comprehensive, structured user's guide, we want to help you make an educated decision about which of the MQTT clients and options we provide are best suited for your application. The guide explains the features, differences, and configuration procedures of each. Plus, we included some additional resources to help you build out your MQTT network or make a pitch for using MQTT.

MQTT User's GuideDownload your copy of "Getting Started with MQTT in groov Products".  It covers:

  • Trade-offs between the three primary MQTT clients
  • Trade-offs between basic string and Sparkplug B payloads
  • Configuration for simple data collection and control
  • Configuration for high-reliability SCADA/IIoT
  • Fault tolerance and security
  • Building proofs of concept
  • Selecting an MQTT broker

groov EPIC and groov RIO give you many ways to use MQTT data communications—via groov Manage, Node-RED, or Ignition Edge from Inductive Automation®. Our goal is to help you understand which approach is best for you and to help you get started fast.

MQTT has become the most popular IoT-specific communications protocol for a good reason: it is lightweight, super fast, highly-scalable, and secure. Don't miss out on the opportunity to try it for yourself!

Download your copy today and see how MQTT can be a part of your IIoT solution.



Topics: IIoT, Node-RED, MQTT, Ignition Edge, groov EPIC, groov Manage, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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