New resource page gives you one place to find everything you need to know about getting started with MQTT.
You might have heard MQTT mentioned in a previous OptoBlog series, or have seen it included in our groov EPIC and groov RIO product features, and perhaps you've watched a few videos about it in the Opto Video Library. But, do you still have questions? You're not alone. Engineers and automation professionals want to be educated on this popular IoT protocol, and we're here to help.
MQTT is an open source publish-subscribe communications protocol. It is lightweight and flexible, was designed for use by resource-constrained edge devices, and has become the most commonly used IoT-specific communications protocol. Together with the Sparkplug B specification, MQTT can form the backbone of industrial IoT infrastructure.
Why would you use MQTT? How do you get started?
That's where we come in. Spend some time on our brand new MQTT Resources page. Our engineers have compiled a variety of resources that they rely on for the most accurate information and helpful tools to learn MQTT along with Sparkplug B. This page includes access to blog posts, videos, white papers, presentation slides, webinars and other valuable technical content to start you on your MQTT learning path.
The MQTT resource guide page covers:
- What is MQTT?
- What is Sparkplug B?
- How secure is MQTT?
- What's the difference between MQTT and OPC UA?
- How do I get started with MQTT on Opto 22 products?
- What developer resources are available?
Ready to take that deep dive into the world of MQTT? Get started now!
And remember we're here to answer any other questions or help you with your specific applications. Contact us through the website, start a live OptoChat, or call us at 800-321-OPTO (toll-free) or 951-695-3000.