
groov RIO, now with OPC UA

Posted by Janice Colmer on Sep 14, 2022 9:43:37 AM

The latest video in our developer series is a quick-start guide for setting up OPC UA on groov RIO.

You heard it here first a few weeks ago in the OptoBlog! groov RIO is the first universal Ethernet I/O module with an embedded OPC UA server. Now you can connect your favorite OPC UA-compatible SCADA or HMI software directly to your multi-signal, multifunction Ethernet I/O System. 

Terry Orchard shows you how simple it is. In his latest developer video, learn how to set up an OPC UA server on groov RIO to accept connections from OPC UA clients and request groov data.

The new embedded OPC UA server feature is now available on all 3 models of groov RIO:

You have options to collect and publish data the way you want:

Use any of groov RIO's OPC UA Server options to communicate data with OPC UA clients:

  • The groov RIO's built-in OPC UA server exposes I/O values, PID values, and Scratch Pad areas to clients.
  • Downloadable OPC UA Server Node-RED nodes give access to Node-RED messages and flows.
  • In the GRV-R7-MM2001-10, use Ignition Edge to access Ignition tags, including to any 3rd party device connections configured via Ignition's built-in drivers.

Here are more groov RIO resources to help you decide:


Keep calm and groov on!


Topics: Videos, Ignition Edge, groov RIO, OPC UA

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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