
More chances to see live groov demos

Posted by Janice Colmer on Mar 20, 2024 9:08:30 AM

See what shows and conferences have been added to Opto 22's 2024 event schedule.

Have you visited the Events page on the Opto 22 website lately? A recent post shared what trade shows have been scheduled for the first quarter of the year, but now there are more opportunities to see groov products in action—hopefully coming to a city near you.

Get details on upcoming events in Boston, Chicago, and Paris, France.

Global Industrie - Paris, France

The Global Industrie 2024 Paris show takes place next week, March 25 - 28, 2024. It's considered a meeting place for the  region's complete industrial and manufacturing ecosystem, and brings together businesses who are shaping today's and tomorrow's industrial space. 

It is a chance to meet over 2,300 exhibitors with an anticipated 40,000+ attendees. OptoPartner AXONE-IO will be showcasing groov EPIC and RIO in booth 5L177. Opto distributor Syscom-Prorep will also be exhibiting and offering demos of groov products in booth 5X64. Review more event details and register to attend.


Digital Transformation Forum - Boston, Massachusetts

WTWH Media is launching a first-of-its-kind event called the DX Forum bringing together industrial automation professionals to help initiate the digital transformation of factories and manufacturing plants.

It will be 2 days (May 1 - 2, 2024) of networking with subject matter experts, attending educational sessions, and an opportunity to see keynote speaker, Walker Reynolds. Walker is considered an Industry 4.0 expert and systems architect whose YouTube channel—with over 1 million views—helps engineers and executives understand the complex concepts associated with digital transformation.

And don't miss a presentation from Opto 22 customer, ALTA Refrigeration, along with our Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White. They'll share ALTA's story of transitioning from custom engineering services to a scalable industrial equipment manufacturer through the adoption of groov EPIC and MQTT technologies.

The Digital Transformation Forum is co-located with the renowned Robotics Summit & Expo, giving attendees access to over 150 exhibitors showcasing live demos of enabling technologies and cutting-edge systems. Learn more and register to attend.


Automate - Chicago, Illinois

Considered the leading industrial automation event in North America, this year's Automate event takes place at the McCormick Place Convention Center in Chicago, May 6 - 9, 2024.

With over 800 exhibitors, the show floor hosts leading automation solutions from around the world. You’ll find everything from robotics to vision to motion control, AI and more. Join us to see how automation is no longer just the future; it’s the here and now.

Opto 22 technology partner, Inductive Automation, will be an exhibitor at the 2024 Automate show located in booth 5020. That's where you'll find the Opto 22 team doing live action demos of groov EPIC and RIO. Don't miss out! Register to attend.



Topics: Events & conferences, groov EPIC, groov RIO, digital transformation

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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