
Where to see groov in action in 2024

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 31, 2024 12:30:54 PM

Visit Opto 22's Events page to see where you can find Opto engineers demonstrating groov products in 2024.

We're already a month into the new year and our calendar of events is filling up quickly. Opto 22 engineers, sales and marketing staff will be in attendance at various trade shows, conferences and participating in virtual webinars throughout the year.

Take a look at what's available online or in your area and plan to join us at one or more of these industry events. You'll have several opportunities to see live demos of groov EPIC and groov RIO.

Here's what's on the schedule so far.

ARC Industry Forum 
February 4 - 8, 2024

Join Opto 22 at the 28th Annual ARC Industry Forum in Orlando, Florida. This year’s theme is Accelerate Transformation in the Age of AI, Cybersecurity, and SustainabilityStop by Opto Tech Partner Inductive Automation's booth where you’ll see
Opto 22’s groov EPIC and groov RIO in action. 

Then make plans to attend the presentation and panel on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, 2:30 pm EST: Best Practices in Smart Manufacturing. Opto 22’s Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, will be one of the panelists discussing strategies for implementing new technologies and overcoming challenges in a factory's digital transformation.


IIoT World Webinar  
February 13, 2024

Hosted by IIoT World and sponsored by our technology partner HiveMQ, this virtual conference promises a lineup of excellent speakers, including Opto 22's Dan White, and valuable presentations on overcoming IIoT challenges in your organization.

Scaling Success: Deploying IIoT for Maximized ROI

Topics to be discussed:

  • State of Industrial IoT 2024
  • Immediate ROI with a small proof of concept
  • Use cases that will save costs or increase revenue
  • Better quality data to improve and scale to increase ROI exponentially

Meet your speakers and register to attend.

IIoT World logo

The Smart Manufacturing Roadshow: Indiana
February 28, 2024

Calling all Indiana-based manufacturers and entrepreneurs. Opto 22 is participating in an important event to help shape the future of smart manufacturing in the state of Indiana.

This free, one day roadshow includes advanced workshops, presentations, and networking opportunities. Hear from industry and technology experts who can help explain and demonstrate how to achieve digital transformation in your manufacturing plants. 

Download the event agenda and register at indianaiot.com/roadshow.


ENTELEC Conference and Expo
April 1-4, 2024

Opto 22 is returning to Houston for the 2024 ENTELEC Conference & Expo. This conference brings together ENTELEC members who deliver compliance, efficiency, security, and innovation to the business units of energy companies such as petroleum, pipeline, natural gas, and electric utilities by leveraging all aspects and interaction of: telecom, information technology, the internet, digital transformation, IIoT, automation, cybersecurity, AI/ML, and computing from the edge to the cloud.

Our exhibitor booth (223) will be located alongside our technology partners Cirrus Link Solutions (221), Inductive Automation (222), and Snowflake (220).  Look for the return of the Innovations Lab which debuted at last year's conference—a multi-vendor, collaborative lab of innovation!

You don't want to miss the product demos showing all these technologies working together with Opto 22's groov EPIC and groov RIO. You'll learn best practices to achieve data mobility and the security required for today’s industrial cyber environment. 

See the complete 4-day agenda and register to attend.


CSIA Conference
April 15-19, 2024

The annual Control System Integrators Association conference takes place in Dallas, Texas this year.
We hope to see you April 15-19th for a week of workshops, keynote speakers, an industry expo, and several networking opportunities. This year's event focuses on content designed for emerging leaders who will be guiding their teams and companies in the years to come.

As in previous years, Opto 22 engineers will be working alongside the Inductive Automation team in the SI Community Cafe. Watch as we take a deeper dive into how groov EPIC and groov RIO secure and democratize OT data through Ignition.

See the complete agenda and register to attend.

And stay tuned because we'll be adding more to the schedule soon. Bookmark our Events page and check back often to see what other opportunities are coming up. We hope to see you soon!



Topics: Webinars, Events & conferences, groov EPIC, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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