
Need Help Getting Started with Digital Transformation?

Posted by Arun Sinha on Mar 31, 2021 1:00:00 PM

Check out G5 Consulting in the latest OptoPartner video

Are you thinking about digital transformation, Industry 4.0 or IIoT and looking for someone to help get you there? Talk to David Schultz of G5 Consulting and Engineering Services.

In our latest OptoPartner video, David points out that digital transformation is a strategy, not a project. The first step is to understand what digital transformation is for each client, then help guide them along that path.

The video includes a very clear explanation of the concept of a “unified namespace”, and how that might be more appropriate when executing IIoT strategies over the traditional Purdue model. Take a few minutes and begin your “4.0 journey” here...

G5 Consulting & Engineering OptoPartner video



Topics: IIoT, Node-RED, MQTT, Sparkplug, Ignition, system integrator, digital transformation, Cirrus Link Solutions, OptoPartner video

Written by Arun Sinha

Arun is an engineer with over 30 years experience including instrumentation, controls & automation. He enjoys work, golf, music, movies, sports, playing guitar, friends & family, and fine cigars.
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