
Repositories and Python on groov EPIC and RIO

Posted by Janice Colmer on Feb 15, 2023 10:00:00 AM

Watch Terry Orchard's next video in the Secure Shell Access (SSH) series for custom Python programming.

Did you see last week's new video: Getting Started with groov EPIC & RIO Secure Shell? That video explained how to obtain a free Shell license for your groov EPIC, activate it, and then install it on your groov devices.

This new video picks up where the introduction left off: Getting Started with Repositories & Python on groov EPIC and RIO. Take a deeper dive using Secure Shell Access (SSH) along with custom Python programming packages with your groov devices.

Although your host, Terry Orchard, demonstrates on a groov EPIC Learning Center in the video, the tips shared work on any groov EPIC or RIO model.

Getting Started with Repositories & Python on groov EPIC and RIO

Watch as Terry provides step-by-step instructions with reminders of best security practices along the way. The video covers:

  • Getting started
  • I/O and Resources
  • API keys
  • Installing PIP (Python package manager)
  • Installing requests
  • OptoMMP

In 15 minutes, you'll learn multiple ways to communicate with your I/O using RESTful, MMP, or MQTT.

More questions about SSH? Check out the dedicated section in the OptoForums.

Thanks for watching!



Topics: groov EPIC, developer, secure shell, ssh, groov RIO, python

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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