
groov RIO with CODESYS lessons now on OptoU

Posted by Janice Colmer on Jan 10, 2024 9:29:01 AM

Get free online instruction for using the CODESYS runtime engine on groov RIO in the new training series.

A customer favorite in 2023 was the groov RIO 3.5 firmware release. With this release, you could use the groov RIO edge I/O module as a controller with the CODESYS runtime engine onboard.

This was a game changer for many of our customers. Our Director of Technical Marketing, Dan White, even shared one of the first applications taking advantage of the new RIO 3.5 features in this CODESYS Tech Talk with Costa Farms.  It illustrated how the addition of CODESYS has transformed groov RIO into a full-fledged Edge PLC, opening up a world of possibilities for automation and control.

Now you can get a better understanding of how this new feature can work in your application by following along with some brand-new lessons on OptoU—Opto 22's free online training site. 


The new groov RIO with CODESYS series includes four lessons:

  • Getting Started with CODESYS on groov RIO
  • Creating an Empty CODESYS Control Program on groov RIO
  • Running CODESYS Control Programs on groov RIO
  • Applying the CODESYS License to groov RIO

Be prepared to spend 60-90 minutes on these lessons. It will be well worth your time! Sign up or log in to OptoU to begin. Short on time? Don't worry—you can learn at your own pace and return to where you left off in a lesson when time permits.


Happy learning, and we're looking forward to sharing more online groov RIO lessons with you in 2024!

Topics: Training, CODESYS, OptoU, groov RIO

Written by Janice Colmer

Janice has worked at Opto 22 for nearly 20 years and is part of the marketing team that strives to share new and relevant content with the automation industry. She enjoys books, camping, country music, and spending time with family and friends.
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